Teen Fiction Entries accepted [FULL]

220 8 13

❌1.  Title: Bachelor King The Last Temptation

Author: Eduardo Lopez ( SpinyKyverna )

❌2. Title:  Fall

Author:  kawaiiice 

❌3. Title: Of Nerdy and Emo 

Author: Karlena_Uchiha21 

❌4. Title:  The Voices and I

Author: ChynahGayle 

❌ 5. Title: Twisted

Author: Nuella_17 

[ELIMINATED]6. Title: Obsessive Abduction

Author: kmonread

❌ 7 Title: Lonely Teens

Author: xohrats 

❌ 8. Title: About a girl

Author: The_Dweeb 

❌9. Title: Songs of the Season

Author: Fairytale_Fabler 

❌10. Title: The Sullivan Sisters

Author:  TiaMichelle420 

❌11. Title: Eyo Bangtan

Author: seoulrin

❌12. Title: Her Saving Grace

Author: Kadenereadaholic 

❌13. Title: Follow

Author: mnlght_ 

❌14. Title: Breathless

Author: _imsopunny_  

❌15. Title:  Spotlight

Author: Rachellipson01 

❌16. Title: Olivia & Ricky's Odyssey to Rock Bottom

Author: MariaJoWrites 

❌17. Title:  Can't Get It Up

Author: StarHues 

❌18. Title: Can you keep a secret

Author: CocoS_14 

❌ 19. Title: Four Places

Author: ii_eleven_ii 

❌ 20. Title: Breaking Up

Author: ShawMcKnight

❌ Entry has been judged & Scored

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