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(Y/N) is a bartender at a music venue, and one night a misterious stranger walks in, changing her life.


Ugh, Monday.

You loved your job, you really did, and normally you were in a good mood. But occasionally, you had those days where all you wanted to do was lie down on your comfy couch and watch some rom-coms while scarfing down snacks.

Today is one of those days.

Anyway, it could've been worse. One of the perks of working in a bar is attending some awesome concerts for free, and today a really awesome rock band would be there. You were really excited to hear them again. They've been at the bar a couple of times, and they're great; the clients love them, and you even became friends with them.

You loved the bar where you worked, even though sometimes you hated the drunk men and their stupid slurs. But it's a chill, cozy and warm place, the real good old-fashioned and intimate environment. And you absolutely love your coworkers, well, your friends. Kayla, Jonathan and Joanne are the best, and literally the best friends ever.

You just got to the bar, ready for your shift. Jo, Kay and Jon arrived seconds later. Kay knows you as the palm of her hand, so once she laid her eyes on you, she knew you were on one of those days. The other two quickly caught up on it, exchanging knowing looks before attacking you with a group hug, instantly making you smile and feel better.

"Girl, c'mon, cheer up!" Kay grins, punching you playfully on the shoulder. "Soon that hot drummer from the band will be here making heart eyes at you."

She winks at you overdramatically and you roll your eyes at her. "Nicholas does not make heart eyes at me, stop it." You reply, but you're unable to stop your dimple-showing smile from forming on your lips. "We're friends. That's it."

"Yeah, sure. I'll pretend I buy it." She chuckles, but then her face grows more serious, and she opened and closed her mouth right away, as if she was unsure of what she wanted to say. "It's just... You should really let someone in. You deserve to love and to be loved, (Y/N)."

"I know, Kay... I know."


You had been working for a couple of hours when Nicholas approached you. There weren't many clients there yet, so you had some spare time, and you always had interesting and fun conversations with him.

Turns out that Kay was partially right, not that you'd ever tell her so or you'd have to listen to her ramble about it forever. There was no need to tell her though because she definitely noticed that Nicholas had come to catch up with you before he had to do some sound check with the band.

He was definitely sweet, and so talented. You loved watching him play the drums. And well, he's pretty easy on the eyes too. But you just don't... feel that click, that instant spark.

Well, yet. Maybe you will.

The concert had barely started when a group of very well-built and attractive, yet low-key and casual looking guys entered the bar. Immediately one of them caught your eye, you weren't exactly sure why. He was tall, so damn tall. He wore a blue button-up that he had paired with some black skinny jeans and a black beanie covering his head. The sleeves were rolled up, exposing what appeared to be tattoos covering both arms, but you were too far away to tell.

He looked tough. His whole demeanor and physique practically demanded respect and authority. And yet, he had this sweet, protective, and caring vibe emanating off him.

Somehow, he must have sensed that you were staring because his gaze wandered around the bar stopping once it found yours. You quickly averted your gaze, silently cursing yourself.

What's wrong with you? He's just another guy in the bar.

You kept on serving drinks for the next couple of hours, and the group still sat there, chatting, drinking and enjoying the music. Your gaze traveled to their table for hundredth time, and you found yourself wondering what was it that seem to draw you to the stranger man.

Once again, you found yourself struggling to stop wondering about the man, and more importantly, to stop staring at him like a total psycho. You glanced again slightly, and bam! Locked gazes again. Once again, you quickly moved yours. What the hell.

"Hmm... Finally something, or should I say, someone caught your eye." Kay acknowledges, smiling as she bumps her hip against yours. You can't give her anything else but a shrug.

"Jeez Kay, I don't even know the guy." You shrug it off, adjusting some glasses that stood on the counter.

Suddenly, Kay clears her throat. "You will soon." She mumbles under her breath, a smirk crossing her face.

Before you had any time to figure out what she meant and collect your thoughts, there he stood, right across the counter, staring at you. He sat down on the stool, his lips shaped in a small smile.

He starts tapping his fingers on the counter, and you wonder if it's some sort of nervous tick. "How you doin'?" He asks, trying to break the ice, with a grin on his face.

Your mind wandered back to one of your favorite TV shows and, of course, Joey Tribbiani and his well-known catch phrase.

You shake your head lightly, trying to gather your thoughts. "Busy, thank you." You mumble, quickly.

You can see his frown through the corner of your eye, before he speaks up again. "I can see that. I meant, how are you?"

"Look, I get it. I'm used to this and I'm not interested." You sigh in defeat. He's obviously drunk, as are 99% of the guys who hit on you.

As you finally faced him completely, you realized how confused he looked. Now you're worried that you might have overreacted.

"Used to this? This what?" He asks, a frown on his face, giving you the confirmation that he was indeed confused.

You took a deep breath, silently cursing yourself. "Never mind. I'm sorry."

Just as he was about to speak again, you walk away, letting Kay know that you need to go to the bathroom and motioning her to serve the tall-tattooed guy. And she did.

"What can I get you?" Kay asks the guy.

"Is she... uh, is your coworker okay?" He questions, looking slightly ashamed. Kay furrows her brows, urging him to explain himself. "I don't know what happened but I think I might've bothered her with something I said."

Kay is at a loss of words, she's intrigued. She has a lot of questions, but she can't exactly ask the costumer if he's drunk or if he hit on her friend.

"What exactly did you do?" She finally says.

"I just asked her how she was doing. I was just trying to be nice, and do small talk... and she started this odd talk about how she was used to this and not interested. I didn't really... understand." He explains calmly, but clearly confused.


"Oh?" The guy asks, but quickly saw in Kay's face that she was scared to actually tell what was on her mind. "You can tell me, it's okay. I promise."

"Look... in our line of work, we are used to... you know, drunk guys making moves on us." She confides.

He scratches his head through his beanie, chuckling lightly. "Uh, I'm not drunk. I had a couple of beers and that's it. And I just thought she seemed nice. I wasn't trying to get her to bed or anything."

Kay is definitely surprised with this guy. Positively surprised. Which might as well be a first since she ever started working here.

There's an awkward silence between the two for a few seconds. He seems to be lost in thought, staring into the counter intently, so Kay decides not to bother him. But suddenly, he sighs for a brief instant, before standing up, catching Kay's attention again.

"When your friend gets here, tell her I'm sorry. I'll let you work now."

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