Win or Lose

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Summary: He becomes frustrated after missing another opportunityand (Y/N) comforts him and offers him much needed encouragement and motivation.

"Jesus, (Y/N). Stop with the leg, you're freaking me out." Nikki groans, in both frustration and irritation.

You were sitting backstage with Nattie and Nikki, watching Baron's match for the briefcase, that goddamned briefcase. And you couldn't stop bouncing your leg because, needless to say, you're so nervous for him. He deserves this to turn out well, more than anything.

"I'm sorry. I just...-" You exhale, averting your gaze from the TV for a brief second.

"You're nervous for him, we get it. It'll be fine, relax." Nattie cuts you off, caressing your shoulder soothingly.

You nod slightly, trying to calm yourself down, but it wasn't really working. You don't know why, but you were having a bad feeling. Only God knows how much you want it to be wrong.

The match was quickly nearing its time limit, so you knew it'd be over really soon. Baron was currently over, dominating his opponents, so you started thinking that maybe you were indeed just being silly.

Until you weren't.

In just a matter of seconds, and before you could register what was happening, Dolph was at the top of the ladder with the briefcase in his hands, after hitting Baron with a cheap shot.

He lost.

Dolph climbed down the ladder and stood tall above Baron, a smug smirk crossing his face as he stared him down. How dare he? He knew damn well what he had just done and he actually dared to be proud of it.

You have your mind running a thousand miles an hour, building up every scenario that could happened once Baron crossed the gorilla, coming backstage. A hand on your shoulder snaps you out of it.

"I'm so sorry, (Y/N). You should go see him, he's gonna need you." Nikki suggests, a sorrowful look crossing her perfectly sculpted face as she watched you blink back tears.

"Yeah." You choke out, swallowing the lump that had formed in your throat.

They both hug you encouragingly before you head out, practically running to his locker room. He'd either be furious and fuming, or disappointed and quiet, but one thing he was for sure... devastated.

You slowed your pace, trying to think of what you could say to help him in either case. What you could do. Baron had been a lone wolf for so long... but now he had you. And you, sure as hell, weren't going to let him suffer alone.

You finally reached his locker room's door, stopping in front of it for a couple of seconds. It's all so silent. You can't even hear a fly. In all honesty, you don't know if that's good, or bad.

Taking a deep breath, you knocked lightly on the door. Again, no noise came from the other side of the door. You were getting worried, so you just opened it, getting inside without a second thought and closing the door behind you.

You were definitely not ready for the sight you've encountered.

Baron is currently sitting on the floor, in only his boxers; his head hanging low, his legs sprawled in front of him, his hands awkwardly placed on his thighs, his back resting against the cold white wall.

It seemed like he was about to take a shower, but everything came crumbling down.

Taking each of your steps cautiously, you walk up to him. He clearly senses your presence, but doesn't dare to actually face you. You kneel down next to his right side, and cover his right hand with your left one, gently. He sighs deeply, but still doesn't acknowledge you.

Heartbroken. Powerless. That's how you're currently feeling, after seeing the state he's in. You don't even know what to say, in all honesty.

"Baby, I am so... so sorry. You did great. And I'm so proud of you." You murmur, soothingly; your free hand coming to caress his stubble-covered cheek.

You don't get a reply from him yet again, only earn another sigh. This one wavering, broken.

"Look at me, Baron." You plead, quietly, caressing his cheek with your thumb. "Please... look at me, baby."

He finally complies, moving up his stare to meet yours slowly, as if he was scared of what he'd find there. However, he found nothing more than love, support and understanding. For the contrary, his own eyes held frustration, fear, sadness... and it was killing you inside.

You don't stop your motions, continuing to caress his cheek lovingly, sometimes stopping to run your fingers through his hair, tied in a loose bun.

"Does it suck that you lost this opportunity? Yes. Did you deserve to, at least, lose fairly? Yes. Will you get more opportunities? Also, yes." You say, still maintaining your gazes locked. "I know you're disappointed. But don't be disappointed in yourself. You did... No, you've been doing a great job lately. And you deserved way more than to lose that the way you did."

"I still lost..." He manages to say, and even his voice sounded sad, disappointed. "I... I fucking lost another opportunity, (Y/N). I keep this up and they'll stop my push. I'm a fail-"

"Don't you dare finish that sentence! Because you are not that." You cut him off quickly. "You're gonna fight back. And you're gonna get it. I believe in you, Baron. And I need you to believe in yourself."

"Have I told you how much I love you?" He asks, a small smile tugging on his lips.

"Not today." You smirk softly, leaning in and pecking his lips. Then, hugging him tightly; your arms around his neck, and his hands placed on your lower back, delicately.

"I love you so much, (Y/N). So fucking much... I can't bear the thought of disappointing you... losing you. And I'm so scared I will and-" He starts rambling, anxiously, until you pull back from the hug, cutting him off.

"Shh. One, I'm not disappointed. I'm proud. I'm so proud of the man you are. Two, you're not going to lose me. Ever. You're kinda stuck with me. Three, I love you. To the moon and back, more or less five times." You say lightheartedly, meaning every word, but somehow managing to lighten the mood.

"Only five times? Because I easily love you to the moon and back nine times." He pretends to be pouting, making you smile.

You could feel the mood in the room shift; it wasn't all that tense and dark anymore. Once again, you lean down and capture his lips in yours, kissing him deeply, and showing him how much you do love him.

"Now, how about you go take that shower?" You suggest, while standing up and extending your hand to him.

"You're coming with me?" He asks with an innocent smile, as he takes your hand and gets up to his feet.

"No." You reply, watching his face fall.

"You're not?" He asks again, his tone insecure and vulnerable. You know he's questioning himself again.

"I'm not. But if I were you, I'd move my ass." You smirk, clearly hinting at something.

"Why?" He question, his brows furrowed in confusion.

"Because I just had two relaxing ideas. The first is: we have a night in, with cheat food, cuddles, and a stupid movie. The second one... Well, it includes me, you, our hotel room, a hot tub and a bed." You inform him, running your fingers softly down his tattooed-chest.

"Oh." He huffs out, and you could tell the exact moment he hit realization with what he just heard. "Can it be both?"

"Thought you'd never ask. So, I suggest you go take that shower, quickly, so I can take care of my man."

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