"I can't believe you took him there."

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"So, we had dinner at this cute and cozy restaurant downtown. God, Mike is super sweet and funny, he's just so easy to get along with." You're currently chatting with Nikki, telling her about your date with Mike.

You met him a couple of weeks ago, and you were really needing to go out and have fun, especially after what happened a couple of months ago. You ended things with your now ex, and even though he didn't want to break up, he didn't fight you. That's just how he is, quiet, closed, shy... You loved him, you still do, but he made it so hard to love him, to make it work... you couldn't cope anymore.

"Maybe a bit too easy..." Nikki mumbles under her breath. You shoot her a questioning look, urging her to keep speaking, even though you were pretty sure what she was referring to: Baron. "I just... never mind. Forget it."

You weren't in the mood for arguing, so you let it slide. "Then, I took him to that beautiful park, the one near the river. I love it there!"

"Wasn't that yours and-" She asks, but you cut her off.

"Yes, but I want to make new memories." You say, not really meaning what you said. You couldn't have what you wanted and you were trying to convince yourself of that.

Suddenly, Nikki's expression turns as pale as it could get. As you were about to turn and see what had left her in that state, a voice you know way too well astounds you.

"I can't believe you took him there." He said, his voice rough as usual but small and broken.

You didn't mean for him to hear that. At all. You knew that'd hurt him, a lot. You were also shocked that he had actually voiced what he was feeling, that's new.

"I... You know I love it there." You mumble, avoiding his gaze, feeling somehow guilty. Nikki, who is standing there looking awkward, nodded her head to you, letting you know that she was leaving.

"That was our spot. It's where we became a couple, where we first kissed, where I asked you to marry me... How could you?" He replies, swallowing the huge lump on his throat. You broke his heart when you left him and now you stomped on it.

"Baron, I..."

"Stupid question, forget it. I heard you. Make new memories. Erase me. Got it. Don't worry, I'm gonna do the same."

With this, you feel your heart being ripped out of your chest. You don't want him to do the same.You don't even know why you thought that'd be a good idea in the first place. You don't want him to get over you. You don't want to move on from him. You want to say something but nothing comes out, you're overwhelmed with emotions, feeling a huge urge to cry.

"You never understood how much I loved you, did you? And here I was, thinking you loved me and still hoping we could figure this out..." He chuckles sarcastically as he turns on his heel, leaving you behind.

He had walked two or three steps, when he turns to you again, and what he said... well, that finally does it, you start sobbing.

"I can't believe I thought you were the one. Fucking stupid."

Baron Corbin - One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now