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If you care about somebody, you should want them to be happy, even if you wind up being left out.

~The Perks of Being a Wallflower.

Two days later we visited Dee in the hospital. The doctor told us that Dee could be discharged. The doctor kept murmuring to the nurses that how can an accident patient get her bones fixed in two days. What he didn't know was that Werewolves can heal ten times quicker than Humans. We did the legal formalities and reached home.

The other wolves gathered at our house asking us about Dee's condition. Some of them were asking Grandma endless questions as to who gave her the malfunctioned car. Myrel came a few minutes later and hugged her daughter so tightly that she shouted in pain. "Ouch, mom that hurts." She said pulling away from her embrace.

Dee's head was wrapped in a bandage. Her head was sore from the accident and her eyes were sagging from lack of sleep. The bandage on her arm was slowly pulled off and a serum was shot in her bloodstream to prevent infections from spreading to her heart. "We had to constantly request the doctor for an early discharge. That Human was constantly suspicions that we made several excuses." Hale said standing the couch.

A knock resounded on the front door and I turned my attention towards the door. I kept my handbag on the couch and walked towards the door, unlocking the stopper. The knock came again. "Give me a second," I said opening the latch and pulling the door open.

A young man was standing in the doorway and my mouth hung open, surprise on my face.


He looked up and smiled. "Hi." He shrugged.

I narrowed my eyes at him eyeing his dashing suit. "What are you doing here?"

He blinked at me. "You called me here, didn't you?"

I frowned. "Why would I call you at my place?"

He shook his head at me. "You offered me to work at your office, remember?"

I bit my tongue. "Oh, damn. I forgot." I said smacking my head. My mind reeled back to our conversation. I looked at the time on my watch. "Gosh, it's late."

"No way! I'm not going back!" I heard Dee's voice in the living room.

"You've any plans?" he said motioning his chin behind me.

I look behind me, seeing Myrel checking the bandage on Dee's head. "No." I frowned. "They're just the girl gang from around."

Joe perfectly took in the excuse. "Oh. I see."

"Oh, come in," I said grabbing his hand and pulling him inside. The sparks created electricity between us.

Hale saw us. "Hey! Who's that?"

All stopped and looked at us. "A new employee I've just hired," I said giving her a smile. She glanced at Joe and smiled at him.

Myrel mind linked me. "A human?" she said sourly.

"Yes. He's best for the job."

I glanced at her and she rolled her eyes at me as if she was his jealous ex-girlfriend. "I had come to your house an hour ago, but I found it locked."

"I had some important work to do," I said with a small smile. "How's your health?"

He was taken aback and I narrowed my eyes at him. "I still get the nightmares."

I held his hand. "What nightmares?" I asked whispering.

"I see visions of people clothed in black."

The ContagionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang