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Monsters don't sleep under your bed. They sleep inside your head.

The library was a clear reminder of the book "The Maze Runner'. There were shelves as high as high as the cemented mazes made me sigh with irritation. The dim yellow light was falling from the chandelier from the ceiling making it even more difficult to see the name and authors inscribed on the books. When I glance to the left, I see a laminated catalog stuck on the wall. When I went nearer to inspect it, I saw the names of seven thousand books and its authors on the catalog.

"That catalog is only for the Librarian, Miss." I hear someone say behind me making me jump.

I drop the catalog in fear and turn behind to see this Vampire. This woman had her hair ties in a bun and her dark-rimmed glasses were resting on the bridge of her nose. Her gown was of silk and the chest portion had black jewels encrusted in the threading. Her hands were behind her back as she stood ramrod straight watching me. "Who are you?" I ask my throat gone dry.

"My name is Vienna." She said still watching me. "I haven't seen you here before." She noticed dragging her red eyes over my outfit.

Shit. What should I say?

"She's with me." I heard someone say behind her.

Vienna frowned immediately and slowly turned to face the other person removing the attention from her. "She's here for diplomatic relations." She added walking towards her.

Vienna gave her a forced smile. "Looks like you are up again late. No sleep?"

Ambrose cocked her head to the side staring into her eyes. "Diplomatic relations need my signature and I had to remain awake the whole night since I kept our client waiting for too long." She said in one breath.

Vienna glanced back at me. "Is she a Vampire?"

I noticed Ambrose shift nervously with the corner of my eye. "Yes. But she hasn't fed." She said carefully.

I kept my face neutral. "I wanted a book from this library," I said to Vienna in an attempt to divulge from the topic. "Do you know any good book to read?"

Hope this lame attempt helps.

She blinked and glanced to the aisle to her right. "Yes. The books on the top shelf have the best authors related to blood and gore."

I almost gagged to her attempt to know my species. "How do I fetch the book from the top shelf?"

She kept her gaze pinned on me. "The ladder at each shelf will help you reach to your desired book."

"Okay. Thank you." I said faking a smile.

"I hope you have a pleasant stay." She said clenching her jaw.

"It was nice meeting you, Vienna," I say immediately. Take this lunatic away from here Ambrose!

"I shall see you soon." She said backing away, still keeping her eyes on me.

"I'm looking forward to it," I said knotting my fingers behind my back.

After she left I let out a huge sigh and sat on the cold floor. Ambrose glanced behind her and ran towards me. "That was dangerous. You're lucky she didn't smell you."

I look at her confused. "What do you mean?"

She sits cross-legged on the ground and sighs. "She wanted to check whether you were really a Vampire."

I frowned more.

"She was checking for your bite mark on your neck." She clarified.

Oh. "Thanks for coming in the nick of time to save me," I said rubbing my hands to keep away the chilling cold.

Ambrose noticed my discomfort. "I'll close the windows." She said getting up.

"No, it's okay," I said catching her wrist.


I drop the books with a thud on the desk and plop on the couch.

"You're gathering dust on my dress." She deadpanned sitting on her chair.

"I thought you had many dresses in your closet," I said looking up from the book.

"Well, this one is my, um, personal favorite." She said turning a page of her binder.

A thought surpassed my mind. "Who stitches your clothes?"

She answered me distractedly. "Well, we have a specialized tailor. Her name is Juliette."

Like Romeo and Juliette? I wanted to ask. But then Shakespeare wasn't a name that was familiar to Supernaturals in Neverland.

Sometime later, we went to check up on Joe. He was seated on his seat, sleeping.

"It looks like your beloved Mutant is having his beauty sleep." Ambrose mused.

I rolled my eyes at her sitting on my knees in front of him. "How is his health?"

Ambrose bent ahead and turned his head with her fingers. Joe awoke from his sleep. "His eyes...." She trailed. "They are turning normal."

She then placed two of her fingers on his pulse near his throat. "Pulse is normal. Fever has gone, which is a good sign."

Then with her palm, she checked his forehead and cocked her head to her side. "Well, everything is normal. I feel he's good to go."

"So we can leave now?" I asked happiness blooming in my chest.

Ambrose's face fell. "Well, not now. Not when the Council is awake."

My heart fell in my stomach. "So when can we take him home?"

Ambrose shook her head and paced the room. "I shouldn't have allowed you...."

I stood up from kneeling in front of Joe. "What are you saying?"

Ambrose kept pacing and wringing her hands. "I shouldn't have allowed you to visit the library at midnight?"

"Why?" I asked her carefully.

She sighed and stood in front of the closed window. "The Council would be suspicious of every activity that happens in my room."


"You don't understand!" she said in frustration.

I went near her and pulled her around to face me. "Will you tell me everything properly?"

"Okay. Now listen. The Council feels that you're not from Neverland. I heard them talking over tea yesterday. They will come to demand answers from you anytime."

"What?!" I paled.

"Don't worry. I have a plan in place. Tonight, we're going to purchase otter meat from the Antarctic Ocean. I want you to aboard the carriage along with other Vampires to Antarctica. You will have only twenty minutes to flee."

I followed Ambrose's instructions correctly and waited patiently in my room for Ambrose to come. Joe was lying seated on the chair as usual. He was dressed in the suit that made him look even more handsome.

A white note slipped under the door. My eyes widened and I ran towards the door to retrieve the note. I read the note in my mind.



I quickly bolt the door and run towards the huge windows and draw back the huge curtains. Snow falls on my face and I dust it away with a grimace. I run towards Joe and pull him with his arm. "Joe we've to jump from the window."

I grab a stool and sit on the edge of the window. I beckon Joe to come near me and help him sit on the window ledge with me. I glance down the window, the height making me nauseous. "Are you ready?" I ask him scared.

He nods in response and I grab his hand as we jump down the window into the darkness.

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