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Don't be afraid of losing people. Be afraid of losing yourself by trying to please everyone around you.

I shook my head. "I've come here for help Your Majesty." I bow in front of her.

She shakes her head at me and waves her palms at me to stop. "No please, don't do that traditional bowing. Now, what can I help you with?"

"I'm from London, my Queen. I've—"

"Just call me Ambrose."

"Okay," I laugh lightly. "Okay, Ambrose. I've come to you to cure this half Mutant of London. He was bitten by a Mutant Werewolf in the Thornton Forest and I want to restore him back to a Human." I bring Joe beside me and place my arm over his shoulder to steady him.

Ambrose thinks to herself as she looks back and forth between me and Joe. "How did you find about Neverland dear?"

"I'm a Supernatural myself," I tell her truthfully.

She stares at me with her mouth hanging open. "I don't think so...."

"Your friend was a Hybrid, wasn't she?" I ask her.

Her expression changes in seconds at the mention of Axis. I knew they were more like sisters. "Bring him to me." She says more like a friendly manner. I pull Joe with his wrists and we ascend the steps together. "Who's your mother?" she asks me when I climb up the raised platform.

"Her name was Tulip, from Talia's Coven." She walks down the platform and comes out of the hall. She opens a door at the end of the corridor leading to another room. A maroon curtain is pulled away from the glass windows. Heavy snow falls outside. The room has a fireplace towards the right and a photo frame of two girls smiling stares at me.

"Was?" she asks me confused and I turn back towards her. "What happened to her?"

"The Great Thornton Rail massacre is related to my mother's death. My mother and my dad were travelling to Eastborough in the 23:59 train via the Alpha Trax redeye service. At exactly 1 hour later, the train halts just outside Eastborough. The people wait for the driver to start the train but the driver doesn't turn up. The passengers decide that walking to the next station was the only option. When they set out they find bodies of many dead animals and after some distance, they find the half-eaten body of the driver.

They panic and run back to the train. But all of them aren't able to get in. My mother was seven months pregnant at that time and my dad was helping her to keep up with the others. They were seven passengers in all who were mostly teenagers and one woman who was in her thirties. The woman was the first who got on the train followed by the four teenagers who were shouting at my dad to lift mom on the train. My mom was screaming in pain due to the running she had to encounter. By the time dad set her in the compartment, it was too late; the two Mutants snatched both my mom and dad, killing them instantly on the gravel. Their blood was strewn down the window like heavy rain.

As time went by, the Mutants killed all the passengers on the train, leaving no survivors at all. The authorities arrived next morning to inspect the train. Sniffer dogs were brought and the remaining bodies were found in the forest. No one knows who killed the Humans that night and the gruesome murder still remains a mystery."

And fifty-two years later, I've encountered the same situation.


"Now as per the symptoms, he's showing...." She said checking Joe's eyes and teeth. "He'll be saved from turning into a Mutant. I'll have to check for the syringe....." she turned around swiftly and rubbed her palms to search for something. "The most important thing is a syringe."

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