Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Jack's P.O.V.

. . . .

When I finally reached the restaurant, I walked in to see Grace racing out.

"Grace, wait!" I called after her but she kept running. "Grace stop! Grace!" She reached her car and began fumbling around for her keys. As I got closer to her, I heard her murmuring to herself.

"Come on, come on, come on!" I grabbed her shoulders and turned her around. Her face was streaked with tears and smeared makeup. "Get away from me!" She yells and tries to shove me off of her but my grip is too strong. 

"Grace, look I'm sorry! I got caught up at work and I-" 

"Save it Jack. It's the same excuse every time and I always end up caving in but this time I'm not!" I knew what was coming and I tried to stop her before the words came out of her mouth by kissing her but she slapped me across the cheek. "Get your filthy lips off of me!" There was a hideous sneer plastered across her face. "We're through." Then she throws the door of her blue Prius open and drives away. 

I just stare after her, broken and defeated, as she speeds off into the darkness and it takes me a few seconds to realize that a car was honking at me angrily from behind me. I quickly run to my car and lock myself inside of it. I thought she was the one. I really did. We had been dating for 2 years now and everything seemed to be going fine.

I was going to propose to her tonight.

I pull the box out of my pocket and open it up. I pull out the beautiful diamond ring and examine it carefully. It was my mother's wedding ring and she left it in my possesion after she died. 

Grace would've loved it. I could hear my mother say. That's when it all really sunk in.

And that's when the waterworks came.

. . . .

After I had finished my pity festival, I decided to go back to the asylum and finish what was supposed to be the rest of my shift. When I enter the building, I go and sign in with Peggy, our secretary. 

"I thought you had a..." she trails off when I look up. I probably look like total crap. I try to give her a smile but it just comes out forced and I probably look like a baby when it's trying to poop. My gaze was broken away from her when I hear a high-pitched scream come from down the hall. My head whips down the hallway to the very last door. Usually I'm used to this, but this time I know who it is. 

"Annabelle," I mumble and I snap my gaze back to Peggy. "What are they doing to her?" I ask Peggy, my voice a little louder. Peggy just stares at me with wide eyes and is silent. I slam my fist down on the table. "Dammit Peggy tell me what they're doing to her or I swear to God I'll punch a hole through this wall right here, right now." My voice was now up to a yell and I could hear my booming voice echoing through the small room. 

"N-N-Nothing yet but, T-T-Tasha is about t-t-to give her her d-d-dinner," she says in a shaky voice and I feel the blood draining from my face. 

"How could you be so stupid Dad," I whisper. I sprint down the hallway and rip open the door. I see my dad and a few other scientists watching her through the one-way glass. I run next to my dad. He frowns when he sees me.

"Jack? Why aren't you with Grace?" 

"What are you thinking Dad!" I scream at him. He narrows his eyes.

"What do you mean?"

"She watched her mother kill her father! Don't you think she may hate women right now!" I see my dad's eyes widen. He pulls his walkie-talkie out of his pocket. 

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