Chapter 1

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Hey before I begin I just want to say that this is going to be written in different points of views throughout the chapter! Just letting you know!

Make sure to vote and give feedback!


Chapter 1

~Annabelles POV~

I rock back and forth.

Back and forth.

Back and forth.

I hear a knock on the door and I bearcrawl to the far corner. My breathing is heavy. I am ready to attack. The man walks in and closes the door softly behind him. He holds a tray with food on it. I recognize this man. He comes everyday with the tray with food on it.

"Hello Annabelle," he says softly and kneels down on the ground. "Would you like something to eat?" He pushes the tray into the center of the room. Just where I like it. As he begins naming all the foods on the tray, I slowly begin to crawl towards him. He is oblivious to the fact that I am now crouched behind him. He suddenly looks up. "Annabelle?" He says and I smile.

Then, I pounce onto his back. He yelps and falls to the ground. I begin taking the food and smashing it against his face, screaming. Suddenly, two different men run into the room and pry me off the man's back. Then, they tap my arm with something that shocks me. I scream and crawl back into my corner. The two different men help take the man out of the room.

And I am left alone.

So I crawl back to the center of my room, where my tray with food on it sits. I dip my finger in the mashed potatoes, and I swirl it around aimlessly.

While I rock back and forth.

Back and forth.

Back and forth.

Suddenly, I hear their voices.

Break the door. The first says. Get out. Kill them all. I smile to myself, and I'm about to stand up when I hear his voice.

No Annabelle. Not my baby. My baby doesn't kill. My baby doesn't hate. My baby loves. I fall back onto the ground at the sound of his voice. I feel happier after hearing it. Then, the first breaks in.

Do it. Your father never loved you. He just used you. He would want you to do this. If he was still alive! I scream at the top of my lungs, and I begin to rip clumps of hair out of my head. The warm blood trickling from my scalp feels good running along my face. There. Now isn't that better? The first says. I nod, and I throw the bloody chunks of hair onto the floor.

Suddenly, the door opens again.

But this time it isn't the same man.


~Jack's POV~

I watch her through the glass. I knew she can't see me. But I can see her.

When I had first laid eyes on her, she looked completely normal. Until she began crawling around the room like a bear cub, attacking the man who brought who food everyday, and tearing clumps of hair out of her head.

Some of the other observers would laugh at her. I don't find it funny at all.

I pity her.

My dad puts his hand on my shoulder and squeezes it tight. "It saddens you, doesn't it?" He asks. I nod solemnly. "She's been here since she was four," he starts and begins pacing around the room. "She saw her parents get murdered right before her very eyes." Tears sting in my eyes, but I push them back. Suddenly, he's standing right next to me. "Would you like to go in with her?" He asks and I freeze.

"Are you sure that's safe?" I manage to squeak. My dad chuckles softly to himself.

"Of course. Do you think I'd let you go in there if it wasn't safe?" He said casually, but I could hear a hint of fear in his voice. I clear my throat.

"I'll do it," I say finally. I can't let fear get the best of me. I shouldn't be afraid "Dad?" I ask. "What is her name exactly?" My dad looks at me sadly.

"Annabelle," he whispers and turns back to the glass. I do, too. We both watch Annabelle rock back and forth in the center of the small room she's lived in for the past thirteen years of her life. She begins to start eating the hair she ripped out, but then spits it out in disgust. I smile to myself, despite how utterly disgusting it is.

"Frank?" someone said from behind us and we both turn to see one of my dad's, Frank, workers. "She's ready for him." Frank nods solemnly and turns to me.

"It'll be alright. Just don't show her you're afraid. She might give you more respect considering you're also her age. Like she'd know that. I think to myself.

"Thanks Dad," I say and I'm about to leave when he wraps me in an awkward hug.

"I'm very proud of you."

"Thanks." When he finally lets go of me, I take a deep breath, and I step into the room.

At the first sight of me, Annabelle shrieks and does that weird bearcrawl into the corner of the room. "Hi Annabelle," I say awkwardly, and I begin to walk towards her. "I'm Jack. I'm here to be your friend." I couldn't think of anything else nice to say.

I could tell it was working. She was slowly beginning to crawl out of the corner towards me. Finally, we reach the center of the room and I squat down. Soon, she's less than four feet away from me. I gulp and I reach my arms out. Suddenly, she whispers something that makes my blood run cold.


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