14.Not This Time

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❝To say nothing is saying something. You must denounce things you are against or one might believe that you support things you really do not.❞

—Germany Kent


The next morning - around 8am.

It's currently 8am, and YN, her parents, Jimin, Yoongi, and their father are at the police station. Today YN was to pick her attacker out from a lineup of suspects. Which means that bright and early this morning the police banged on the Mitchell's door, and they arrested Jake. His parents followed the police to the station to find out what was going on.

Now speaking of Jake's parents, they've protected him his whole life, meaning he never got punished for doing anything bad. Which means that every time he had gotten into trouble at school, his parents would just pay the principal off. And once he started college, they coddled him even more. They would pay for tutors to do all of his assignments and papers, and to take tests and exams for him. His whole life he never had to work for anything, and when he started dating YN, his father made him get a job so that he would be ready to work at his company once Jake graduated from college. So Jake just got the easiest job he could think of, and became a pizza delivery boy.

Now currently YN is in the observation room looking through the one way glass into the lineup room. When she was ready a policewoman had one of the other officers bring the suspects in. Once there were five people in the lineup, the policewoman asked YN to point out her attacker.

"Okay YN, which one of these men is the one who attacked you?", officer Jessi asked in a soft calm tone.

YN slowly lifts her hand to point out Jake, but before she can point Jake out, he looks right at her. She began to cry thinking that he could see her. Both Yoongi and Jimin go to comfort her. Yoongi holds her hand, while Jimin rubs her back. At the same time, YN's mother was getting teary eyed, seeing her little girl scared and broken just broke her heart.

"It's alright noona. He can't see you.", Jimin says softly, trying to calm her down a little bit.

"You can do it YN.", Yoongi encourages her.

With the support from them and her parents, she lifts her hand and with her right index finger she points right at Jake.

"Is that the man that raped you YN?", officer Jessi asked.

"Y-Yes. That's h-him.", YN confirms through her sniffles.

"You were very brave honey. It takes a lot of courage to do what you just did. You should be proud of yourself.", Jessi said before she leaves the room to start the necessary paperwork.

After a few minutes, YN followed by everyone else, walked out of the observation room and out into the precincts office. When they get to Jessi's desk, just a few feet away stood the Mitchell's, and they were looking right at her. Mr. Mitchell looked angry, while Mrs. Mitchell looks really sad. YN overhears them asking to see their son, and she can't help but think that they're going to get him off again. She was absolutely terrified about what would happen if Jake got off scot-free again. She was afraid that he was going to kill her, because she ran away, because she disobeyed him, because she was with someone else. There were countless reasons as to why YN was scared.

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