Chapter- 3

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As the car stopped in front of Leilani, Swara gazed out the window, capturing the scene for a few precious moments before gathering the courage to step out. As she emerged from the vehicle, a deep breath filled her lungs, carrying the exquisite scents of blooming flowers, dew-kissed grass, and the fresh petrichor of the season's first rain. These fragrances were among her most cherished, evoking a sense of tranquility and nostalgia within her. Walking through the entrance, she was enveloped by a beautiful garden, a serene space created in loving memory of someone irreplaceable, someone with whom she yearned to have shared more moments.

As she ventured into the garden, she discovered a secluded spot where a beautifully crafted swing stood, designed according to her family's preferences. It was her sanctuary, where she could embrace the serenity and tranquility surrounding her. Amid all the chaos that had unfolded in her life since the arrival of the Gadodia and Maheswari families, she had been absent from this peaceful haven for months, preoccupied with navigating through the relentless drama that had unfolded.

Taking a seat on the swing, she gazed at the garden's wondrous beauty, allowing the soothing scent of flowers to envelop her senses. With each gentle sway of the swing, she felt herself lulled into a peaceful slumber—a feeling she hadn't experienced in an eternity.

As the moon made a gentle path across the night sky, its light cascaded onto the tranquil sea below. The water shimmered like a thousand diamonds, reflecting the ethereal beauty of the woman standing on the shore. She gazed at him, her heart filled with a bittersweet longing as he played with the orphaned children, his laughter mingling with the sound of the waves.

"Why do you spend time with us, Bhai? Everyone else pushes us away," one of the children asked, looking up at him with big, hopeful eyes. He crouched down, his smile genuine and kind.

"I play with you because you are my friends. I don't care about those who don't understand. I value people who appreciate and respect me for who I am," he replied, and a soft smile graced her lips as she watched the exchange.

"Sanskar," a familiar voice called out. He looked up as Kavitha approached, his face lighting up with joy. Swara's heart ached as she witnessed the love and happiness in their reunion. Despite the pang of sadness, she found solace in his contentment, never wishing for her unrequited love to burden him.

Swara was pulled out of her dream as her phone rang. She frowned before it turned into a smile, seeing it was Uttara calling. She quickly answered the phone, and they chatted for a while, catching up on each other's day and sharing some light-hearted banter.

Feeling content after the conversation, Swara decided it was getting late and returned to MM (Maheshwari Mansion). She wanted to avoid any potential drama, which she had grown tired of dealing with lately.

As Swara walked inside the mansion hall, she was lost in her thoughts, but the serene atmosphere of the garden brought a sense of peace and calmness to her heart and mind. She had always felt connected to that place due to the many cherished childhood memories it held.

A sudden harsh tug at her hand snapped her out of her reverie, causing her to hiss in pain as the person's nails scratched her skin, drawing blood. Looking up, she saw the entire Gadodia and Maheswari families, including Sanskar, standing in the hall. Despite her desire to avoid the impending drama, she resigned herself to the inevitable as she regarded the determined expressions on their faces.

Sujatha's eyebrows furrowed as she addressed Swara with a tone that betrayed her frustration. "I believe we've already explained our reasons for bringing you here. So, may I ask what exactly you think you're doing?" she inquired pointedly.

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