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This love story is a heart-wrenching saga of Sanskar Maheswari and Swara Gadodia, their lives intertwined by fate but torn apart by circumstances and the betrayal of their kin. Will they ever reunite and become one again? What will become of their undying love when their past comes back to haunt them? The thought of their struggle to be together despite all odds tugs at the heartstrings and brings tears to the eyes of anyone who knows their story.

Time should have healed every wound, but they feel raw and new. The heart and mind are in this constant battle, and there's this overwhelming feeling of distance and longing. It's like the souls are reaching out for each other, but something keeps them apart, which hurts so much.

For four months and one hundred twenty-two days, they were separated by two nine thousand twenty-eight minutes, and one hundred seventy-five thousand, six hundred eighty-five seconds. This was the duration of their time apart, during which Laksh Maheswari returned, basking in the joy of his married life with his wife, Ragini Maheswari. Little did he know about the turmoil that his absence had caused in the life of Sanskar Maheswari's wife, as he had left her in the shadows of uncertainty after accusing her of choosing their family over him. She endured his anger, hatred, and the agony of living alone without him, unable to foresee what the future held for her.

As she looked at the moon from her window, tears fell continuously and rapidly, reflecting the intensity of her pain. The weight of her emotions threatened to crush her, and she felt utterly alone. She knew she was solely to blame for the state of her love and married life, yet she couldn't help but feel that their family and her sister had also played a part in destroying their relationship.

She remembered how he had opened her eyes to what love meant, teaching her to love unconditionally and without expectations. But in her foolishness, she had destroyed it all. While she acknowledged her mistakes, she couldn't help but feel the burden of his request, knowing how difficult it was for her to comply. His decision to declare her "no one" and the subsequent taunts had only added to the unbearable pain in her heart.

The distance between them seemed insurmountable, and she feared she couldn't endure it any longer. She whispered to the moon the depth of her love for him, knowing that he was her everything. Despite her agony, she yearned for someone to be her strength, to ease the ache in her heart.

With the moonlight casting an ethereal glow on the room, we see Sanskar Maheswari sitting on the couch, surrounded by the remnants of a life once filled with love and happiness. As he gazes at the photo of Swara, his beloved, a whirlwind of emotions engulfs him. The pain of her choosing their family over their love is evident in his eyes, yet underneath the facade of anger lies a deep well of hurt and longing.

In his hand, he clutches a broken bottle, the remnants of a momentary outburst, as blood oozes from the gash in his palm. The room, once a sanctuary of laughter and shared dreams, now bears witness to his silent anguish. He longs for the days when their love filled every corner, and her laughter echoed through the walls.

A tear escapes his eye as he stands before the portrait, carrying the weight of unspoken words and shattered promises. In this quiet moment, the depth of his love for Swara is palpable, transcending the pain and anger that threaten to consume him.

Sanskar poured out his heart, his voice filled with raw emotion, as he expressed his love for Swara. His love for her eclipsed his feelings for his first love, Kavitha. It was a love that consumed him, filled with intensity and passion, making his devotion to Swara unmatched. He recounted how he had always been by her side out of his deep love for her. However, his world crumbled when Swara chose someone else over him, shattering their promises, relationship, and love. Sanskar knew Swara desired a family, and he believed that one day, she would realize the gravity of her choices and the loss of their love. He harbored thoughts of her wanting him back, but he resolved that it wouldn't be easy. He contemplated that he would need to impart a poignant lesson to her, ensuring she understood the depth of the pain she caused him before he could entertain the thought of welcoming her back into his life. Unknowingly, as he caressed her picture, his trembling, blood-stained hand left a poignant mark, symbolizing the anguish and heartbreak consuming him.

Love Hurts .........Love HealsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora