Chapter 14

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Three months later


It's been a few days since we got back from our honeymoon and I have started feeling sick. I thought that it was sudden change of atmosphere that made me sick so I didn't tell Harry.

I was making Darcy's favourite pasta for lunch.
Harry was getting ready for work. The school bus was supposed to drop Darcy home and she would be here any moment now.

"Hey babe, what are you doing?" Harry asked as he came downstairs all ready to go to work.

"Making pasta. Darcy loves it." I replied as he came into the kitchen and hugged me from behind.

"Why don't you make my favourite dishes? It's like you are only Darcy's mother and not my wife." He pouted.

"God, Harry are you being jealous of your own daughter now?" I giggled.

"No, but... you don't give me your time." He replied.

"We just got back from our one month honeymoon in Paris." I pointed out. "I was away from Darcy for one month."

"Honeymoon? Yeah, right. You would always facetime her and tell her how much you missed her. I was on my own." He said dramatically.

"Why are you being so dramatic? Just tell me what you like to eat and I'll make that dish for dinner." I said.

"Aww, thanks babe." He said and kissed me on my cheek.

The telephone in the kitchen rang and I picked it up.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Is this Mrs.Styles?" The person on the line asked.

"Yes" I said.

"This is Officer Marks. We have been reported about a school bus accident and your daughter was in it."

My vision started blurring out. I could hear Harry call my name multiple times. I could feel my body getting weak.I dropped the phone on the floor. My legs couldn't stand no more and I dropped to the floor and blacked out.


"Hazel?" I called out to her but she didn't respond.

"Hazel, what's wrong?" I asked again but this time her body gave up and she fell to the ground.

I bent down beside her and tried to wake her up.

"Hello? hello?" I could hear from the phone that was lying on the floor. I picked it up to answer.

"Hello? What happened?" I asked.

"The school bus, that your daughter was in, had met an accident and we need to you to come here immediately." The person on the phone said.

I felt a pinch in my heart.

"We're coming" is all that I could say.

Third Person POV

Hazel recovered from her unconsciousness and started crying in Harry's arms. "Please save my daughter." She kept on saying.

"Hazel, maybe she is safe. We have to go there and see if she's okay." Harry tried to console her even though he himself needed consolation.

They arrived at the scene. There was a chaos. People running here and there calling out their children's names. There were ambulances and stretchers, police officers and nurses.

On one of the stretcher laid Darcy's best friend, Meredith. She was injured badly. The doctor was checking her pulse. He put her hand down and shook his head.

Hazel put a hand on her mouth to stop herself from screaming. Harry pulled her towards him and she buried her face in his chest crying badly.

"Mr. and Mrs. Styles?" A police officer approached.
Harry nodded his head.

"Please, this way sir." He guided them towards the stretchers. There were so many children who had been injured badly but made it out alive. Some of them died. Harry was just hoping that his daughter wasn't among the some of the children who couldn't make it.

The bus was lying upside down on the road and there was a truck that laid side ways perpendicular to the bus. Seems like the truck ran into the bus.

They came over to a stretcher and the officer stopped. The body was covered in white sheet. The officer removed the sheet from it's face.


What I saw totally broke me from inside. Tears started coming out of my eyes. I looked away.

"NOOOOOOO!!!" Hazel started screaming. "NOOOO!!! Darcy wake up!!!" She started crying and shaking her dead body.

"Mrs.Styles, you have to pull yourself together." Officer said.

"NO NO NO NO NOOOOO!" She started shouting.

"Harry, why don't you say something?" She grabbed my collar.

"You said that she was safe." She started pulling me collar and than pushed me.

No words came out of my mouth. I was too shattered to speak. I pulled her into a hug and she didn't budge. She didn't have enough strength to fight me. I didn't have enough strength to console her. I couldn't bring her back to life. We couldn't do anything except cry our hearts out in each others arms.


Author's Note

I did it again. I killed an innocent character in my story just like my previous one. I'm really sorry but you have to understand that I had to do it. I can explain... no wait, I can't. I'm just... sorry.


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