Chapter 06

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The Rain

Third person P.O.V.

After a month

It's been a month since Hazel started her job. She's taking good care of Darcy and loves her like her own daughter. Darcy has grown attached to Hazel too.


It's been a month since I've started my job. I told my parents and they were happy about it. I post pictures of Darcy everyday on my Instagram story and everyone knows about her and they also think that she is an adorable little angel. I have grown so much attached to her that I've started to think of her as my own daughter. Like, whenever I used to think about having kids I've always thought ' I want a daughter'. Darcy may not be my own daughter but I love her like my own. I can't leave this job. I don't want to. Not anytime soon.

"It looks like it's about to rain. " I looked at Darcy who was looking out at the sky.

She smiled.

"Do you like going out in the rain?" I asked her as I ran my fingers through her hair trying to get it out of her face.

"Sometimes." she pouted. "Daddy doesn't let me go out in the rain. He's says "No, Darcy you'll catch a cold" ." She mimicked Mr.Styles.

I giggled.

"Well, I love going out in the rain. Or, sometimes I just stay inside and look out of my window. It's just so beautiful. The sound of the rain pouring on my window is so tranquilizing." I looked up at the sky which was covered densely in grey clouds.

"Look." Darcy said and pointed outside. "It's drizzling."

In a few seconds, it started pouring heavily.

"It's raining!! It's raining!!" She jumped up and down.

"Yeah." I looked up at the sky. I was mesmerized.

Just then, there was a knock at the door. I opened it up and standing in front of me was someone who I wasn't expecting to be here.

"Mr.Styles" I stood there staring at him. He was all soaked up in the rain. His black shirt was clinging to his body revealing his muscles while he held his coat in his left arm. Water was still dripping from his wet curls, a few sticking to his neck. He looked up at me with those intense ocean green eyes. But this time they weren't ocean green, they were the colour of the forest after it rains and before I knew it, I got lost in them.

 But this time they weren't ocean green, they were the colour of the forest after it rains and before I knew it, I got lost in them

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"Hi." He smiled and I looked away.

"H-hey." Shit. I was stuttering, again.

He came in and I closed the door behind him.

"Where's Darcy?" He whispered.

"She's in her room." I said.

He went upstairs and I went after him. He slowly opened the door of her room and went inside tip toeing. Darcy was too interested in looking out of her window to notice anything.

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