Chapter 2- Change

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Liam POV-

  I watched Parker walk upstairs to change after her quick hugs wihth the boys. I hadnt seen her in 7 months and I missed her. 7 months was a long time and she had changed. She didnt look like a little girl. She was taller and looked more mature. Her fitted clothes were tight around her newly curvey body and it made me nervous. Since our dad died when i was 12 there was no male iin the house to watch out for her. Who knows what kind of things she has been into. 

  I tried to shake those thoughts out of my head. After she left i went over to talk to the boys. I had warned them about staying about from Parker and i knew they understood. Louis had a girlfreind, Niall was not interested in a relationship, Zayn had a thing with Perrie, A girl from Little MIx, and he also treated Parker like his sister. But Harry was who i was worried about. We all know his track reccord with girls. And i saw the way he looked at my sister. Their was somthing in his eyes and it made me nervous.  

"Man you sister has changed!' Louis said.

"I know.." i replied kind of quiet.

Zayn could tell the new apperance of my little sister was bothering me.

"Mate shes a good girl. You know that"

i shook my head and looked at Harry.

"Guys im serious when i say Parker is off limits. If any of you guys hurt her or do anything you will be dead."

All the guys including Harry knew i was aimming my warnings at Harry. 

"Why are you staring at me!" Harry exclaimed and put his hands up like he was surendering. 

"Cause we all know your track recored with girls. You use them and than throw them away. You break hearts and if anything like that happens to Parker I will hurt you" Liam warned.

"OK mate I understand. You have told me before. Shes OFF limits" Harry shook his head. He sounded slightly sad. i shook it off and cotinued talking to the boys about the tour. 

"Hey boys!" Parker said coming through the door. She had a Black v neck shirt on and a new pair of short jean shorts. The boys all turned around to look. I look a deep breath. She wasnt dressed inapropriatly or in a way to lead the boys on, but she looked good and of corse that concerned me. Also i though her shorts were too short. I turned arounf to look at the boys. They all looked and took in her near apperance. She knew how to dress her self and how to do her hair. And I think she was wearing makeup? 

Niall and Louis turned around and kept working on there breakfast. Zayn turned to look at me with a concerned look and than to Harry. Harry was staring as Parker walked over to get cereal. Zayn slapped Harrys arm.

"Ow! Zayn?"

Zayn glared and raised his eyebrows. I got up and walked to help Parker with her breakfast.

"Harry stop. its making Liam nervous" he wispered calmly.

Harry understood and shook his head. 

"Parker i though you were going to put more clothes on" I joked. She looked at me a pushed me playfully. Even though i kind of ment in seriuosly i didnt want to arugue or fight the first couple minutes i was home. 

"Can i talk to you later though?" i asked calmly. She rolled eye and and said sure. I smiled and helped her carry some stuff over to the breakfast table.

"So whats the plan for today!" NIall asked. "Whens lunch?"

We all just stared at him. An ignored his last question.

" I think we should go to the beach." Louis said.

"Thats a great idea! We have not been swimming in ages! i would love to go!" Zayn said

I looked at PArker and she smiled.

"The beach it is! Guys want to leave around 12:30?" I asked.

They all shook there heads. 

"Where are you all staying?" Parks asked.

"Lou and Haz are in the little cottage outside, Zayn and Niall are in the guest room and im in my room!" I replied.

"Oh alrighty!" She said and smiled.

"Wheres mom?" I asked

Parker shrugged. 

"I dont know"

i was confused?

"What do you mean you dont know?"

"Shes probally out with some shag she met a couple nights ago. thats my best guess."

"What? Parker wat are you talking about!"

"Mom! Ever since you left she goes out and doesnt come back for days on end. And when shes here she sleeps and than leaves again"

"What! Why didnt you tell me! I would have come home? Who has been taking care of you?"

"I have. I didnt think you would care. Its not much different from before you left. She always drank and I usally have always looked out for myself. It was nothing new, and i didnt want to distract you from  work"

"Parker! I would have done something to help you! Why didnt you tell me?" i raised my voice. I looked around and quickly and saw all the boys filing out. i lowered my voice. Parker just stood staring at me. 

"Im sorry" i said. "I just feel bad that your here suffering and you didnt let me know. Your my sister your supposed to tell me these things. I could have helped."

She walked over and put her arms around me.

'Liam. Im ok. There wasnt anything you could have helped me with? Trust me" she kissed my cheek and i nodded and hugged her back.

"Now were leaving for the beach soon so im going to go pack my stuff" She smiled and left.

i took some deep breaths. Its ok. 

Stole My Heart. (1D FanFic) (Harry Styles Love Story)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora