"I mean you're not cute but not ugly. Like if ugly had a spectrum you'd be the closest thing to it but not it if you get me." I said.

"That is not what that means." He said laughing.

"It kinda sorta is. Other people may see it like that. It's like. You're not cute enough to be called cute but you're not ugly enough to be ugly. So you're not ugly but if you were cute I would have said that." I said.

"You're thinking too much into it but to appease your big head ass alright." He said and held up his hands in defense.

"You have a fucking pea head, let's not go there." I said.

"You look like you can barely grow facial hair." He said.

"You're a child, you doodle on your shoes." I said.

"A child? You've probably shitted on someone before." He said.

"And you've probably ate ass." I said.

"You've ate ass." He said.

"Touché." I said.

The waitress walked back up to our table and asked for drinks. We continued our order knowing what we wanted already.

"How's Andy?" He asked me and I blushed.

"Good. He's been busy. Family business." I said.

"Yeah sounds like the mafia." He said.

"Oh shut up. Aside from how tough he looks he's a sweetheart." I said.

"I said that because on both of his hands he has a slide bite." He said and I raised a eyebrow.

"It's from shooting a gun wrong." He said.

"He knows his hands around a body I guess it's not the same for guns. I'll ask him about that." I said and he rolled his eyes.

"Check." He said.

"Alright alright." I said.

"Let's play a game yeah?" I said.

"What's this game?" He asked interested.

"We tell the waitress to pick a card." I said.

"Oi fuck that, isn't it your turn to pay." He said.

"I took you for a gambler Zayn." I said.

"I am, but my card is red and that color stimulates the brain which is associate with power and energy." He said and I looked at him with a smile.

"I was a art minor, and I know your card is black which has a lot of negative feelings but also ones of power." He said.

"Both represent power so how about it?" I said and he rolled his eyes.

"Sure. No fine, I get it. Lunch on me." He said.

"Oh easy, so you don't want to play the game." I said smiling.

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