Corey Sherer 1 - secret confession

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Sometimes you thought you were actually insane. There was no actual reason to think of you in that light, other than how you felt about a certain dancer with a man bun.

It started a year ago. Your older brother, Colby, had let you come stay with him in his house. They had a living room they never used that could be set up as your bedroom with curtains as doors. You agreed, since your shared parents had kicked you out and disowned you. For having a boyfriend when you, yourself, were a boy. Colby, however, did not mind. In fact, he encouraged you.

So now you had your own little room of a living room. A bed, and a dresser and all of that. You had friends over sometimes but the only difference between your friends, and Colby's  was that you were also friends with some members of the vlog squad. Such as Carly, Zane, and Scott.

Colby always found it funny when you'd have Zane or Scott in your room and they'd be filming. A running joke with Zane was flirting since you were the only gay guy he had on his vlogs. You didn't mind though cause Zane was respectful about your sexuality. Scott would have existential conversations with you. Carly just had the typical 'my gay best friend' videos.

However your friends were rarely around. So you spent a lot of time with your brother or Sam. Sometimes hanging out with Elton would happen and that was usually just going for walks with Circa or exploring old towns. However whenever you were near Corey, you changed.

You went silent, you kept your head down, you fiddled with sweater strings or short strings or just your fingers, once he left though you returned to normal. You told yourself that you couldn't crush on him. He was Colby's friend. He was a room mate. You couldn't allow yourself to crush on his cute face, hot laugh, that man bun that suited him perfectly, how anything he wore suited him perfectly.

Colby caught on quick though. This had happened before, with his friend Max in high school. The exact same demeanor change and fiddling. The only way you got over it was when Colby had you ask him out. Max told you he wasn't gay though, but he wouldn't mind going out as friends. That was good enough for you.

"Hey, can I come in to talk?" You were broken out of your thoughts by Colby outside of your curtain. You laughed and called out permission. He came in and sat on your beanbag across from you. "So the only ones of us home right now is you, Sam, and me. Sam has Kat over so he is distracted. Is there anything you want to talk to me about?" Colby asked with a knowing look.

You froze lightly but shook your head. "N-No. Why would you ask that?" You asked with a slight stutter. You couldn't sneak anything past Colby. He knew you like his camera functions.

"Okay... nothing about... Corey?" He smirked as your cheeks instantly turned red. "That's what I thought. He suspects that you're scared of him y'know? That's why you drop your head and say nothing. He thinks you're scared to do something around him." He says and your jaw dropped.

"N-No.. I just get nervous. It's like Max. But I don't want a repeat of Max.. I don't want to be rejected again so it's easier to say nothing, to act like there is nothing" You admit and Colby frowns getting up and hugging you close.

"Listen, Corey would not be like Max. He won't say he will hang out with you and then ghost you. He isn't that kind of guy" Colby said as he held you, he always blamed himself for that prick.  "So how did this liking of Corey start? And why?" Colby asked as he now sat on the bed with you.

"I don't know. When you first moved me in, Corey helped bring in my stuff and afterwards he went to film something. Something about his smile and his laugh just drew me to him. And he just has an attractive face and that man bun is cute. His personality just gets to me. I dunno." You tried to explain but failed horribly, and yet, Colby nodded. He was able to understand.

"So you've liked him for a whole year? Wow.." Colby mumbled and smirked. "Well, I lied to you yknow?"

"What do you mean?" You asked nervously. Colby simply laughed.

"Come in Corey" He called out and you turned bright red as Corey entered the room. You instantly hid your face

"Colby what the hell" Colby simply got up and left as Corey walked over. You felt his finger lifting your chin up and
moved your hands away. Corey's eyes captured yours. A fog was over them but it seemed it was just because an emotion you couldn't place was around them.

Then, he did something you didn't expect. He kissed you soft and sweet, his hand moving from your chin to cup your face and your arms wrapped around his neck pulling him close. The kiss was sweet, passionate, and deep. Filled with lip biting, smiles, and a want to never part from this. But eventually air was needed and so lips parted and foreheads were pressed. Corey let out a little laugh

"I honestly thought you were scared or you hated me" He admits staring into your eyes. In response you rolled your eyes and kissed him gently and pulled away again.

"So I'm guessing Colby set this up?" You asked and he nodded.

"I asked him if he knew about you hating me and he seemed confused. He then explained about Max and how you acted the same with him. I didn't believe him that you liked me so he told me to wait outside your room and listen." Corey blushed to which you smiled.

A few days later Elton found you and Corey cuddled on the couch as he played rocket league. He thought it was cute and filmed. And that was how everyone found out that you two were together. Colby couldn't be happier for you but did warn Corey about treating you right.

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