Winter Duel

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Months had passed, and soon winter was upon us. The blizzards swept through the town causing the merchants to shop down their shops and everything was quiet. The mines fell silent as the dwarves and people seemed to be cooped up in their houses. The only people who weren't cooped up in the homes were the guardsmen. Fili and Kili often came back throughout the day for a bowl of warm soup or even to roast their boots by the fire. I pitied them since they sat out there in the cold. As the 'mother' of the household, I took care of them by doing their laundry, preparing their baths, feeding them, and making sure they were warm. When I wasn't taking care of the boys, I was hunting or practicing my swordsmanship. I had become a very well swordsman, but practice made me better. I had begun to lose all hope that I would never be able to fight in a battle until one fateful day when the enemy found out who I was and where I lived.

It started off a lovely and beautiful winter morning. The sun was rising as I was preparing eggs and ham for Fili and Kili before they went off to work. I had set out their eggs and bacon on a plate, and it was waiting for them on the table. While waiting I put my long blonde hair up into a braid to keep it out of my face. I expected sometime before I finally decided to go get Fili up. Since Kili had finished his house, Fili had taken the spare bedroom and no longer lounged out on the couch.

I opened Fili's door to find him still sleeping. Knowing he was naked, I crept over to his bedside and yanked off all of his quilts so his bare naked body would be hit with cold icy air. Without seeing anything, I ran out of his room quickly.

"Abel," I heard him yell. I chuckled as I heard him rustle the quilts back up onto the bed.

I then went to my room and fetched my dark blue cloak which I put over my pink dress. I then left through my bedroom door.

I quickly ran through the cold snow to Kili's house. I went to his door and shook the snow from my boots as I got it. Kili's house was rather small since it was only one room. Everything he needed was at Fili's. I looked to find Kili sitting down on the couch pulling his boots on.

"What's for breakfast today," he asked me. I smiled and neared him.

"Its ham and eggs," I replied. He pulled on his left boot and began to tie it. He didn't seem satisfied with the breakfast choice this morning. I took this slightly as an insult. He pulled his right boot on and tied it.

"Well if you don't want it then you don't have to eat," I told him as I crossed my arms. Kili looked up at me.

"I didn't say anything," he protected himself. I uncrossed my arms and put them to my sides.

"You are usually very excited about breakfast," I argued. He sighed and got up. He grabbed his sword and put in his sheath.

"Sorry, but something feels off about today," Kili apologized. He then looked back at me with a half smile. He shrugged.

"It's probably nothing. Come on I'll walk you back to the house," he offered. I put a hand on my hip, and he slipped his hand through my arm. He opened the door, and we skipped right into the kitchen.

Fili sat there getting his boots on. Kili sat down at the table and watched as Fili tied his shoes. I went to the kitchen and poured hot ale into their mugs. I put the cups on the table and sat down with them.

"You're unusually late this morning," Kili observed. Fili finished tying up his boots and pulled his winter trousers over them.

"I'm usually woken up by Abels cooking," Fili answered as he began to dig into his breakfast. Kili chugged his hot ale and began to eat. I watched them both scuff down their food and beer. When they were done, they wiped their mouths.

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