A Nice Supper

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Fili put me up on his horse, and he led us through town to the housing complexes. As we rode throughout the time I received a few confused looks from the others. I noticed that some were much taller than Fili and I which led me to believe the dwarves lived amongst the humans.

"Fili, why is it so important that I tell you all that happened with the mountain," I asked him. I was curious to know because ever since I told them Fili hadn't spoken to me much. He looked back at me.

"The Lonely Mountain is the Mountain of Erebor. It's been nicknamed the Lonely Mountain since it has become the new home of Smaug the fire-breathing dragon. My Uncle Thorin is the King of the Lonely Mountain," Fili answered. I bit my lip at the thought of what I had just told them. Thorin was the King, and I said to them that the King was going to die. If Thorin didn't die, then it would be Fili. I wish I had paid more attention to the book so I could give them all the answers.

"Your brother, Kili, is he the second prince," I asked Fili. Fili didn't feel the need to turn around to answer my question.

"Aye, he is. Thorin is the King and since he didn't have any children I, his eldest nephew, get the crown of Erebor. Then it to goes onto my brother if I pass away. When my brother passes into the air then it shall go to my future son," Fili explained to me. The mention of his future son made me interested. He wasn't allowed to marry, I thought.

"So what if you never marry and you have no children," I asked. He stopped his horse and looked at me. I could tell he touched a nerve. He looked at me with a sincere face; he didn't seem angry at me.

"I will answer that question later on," he replied. I shut my mouth afraid to say anything more. I paid attention to the town which was filled with many stores. It made my heart warm since it looked exactly like a scene from a medieval movie. I heard a strum of lute strings. The sound made me want to dance.

"Do you play any musical instruments," I asked Fili forgetting that he was upset.

"Aye, I play the fiddle with my wee brother Kili. We play with the other dwarves during the music festival," he replied with a smile. I could tell he was awful happy at the thought of music. I needed to make him happy so he could forgive me for the last conversation.

"The music festival? That sounds like fun," I added. I could tell he wore a smile on his face as he thought of the music festival.

"Aye, it is. Merchants and crowds of people come from all over to listen to the music, and they sell dainty things too. Last year I got two new swords for half the price," he exclaimed. I was eager to find out more about his life and what it was like. He then turned his horse away from the town and onto a dirt pathway.

"We'll go to my Mothers home. She'll have supper ready for us, and I think she might have a set of dress that might be able to fit you," he told me. I looked at the beautiful oak trees that were in front of us.

"You must love living out in such beautiful scenery," I presumed. He chuckled slightly at this and then turned his horse down another road.

"I prefer to live in the great halls of Erebor. My Uncle and Mother have explained to us many times before how beautiful Erebor is, though I have never seen it myself I hope it is true," Fili answered. 

Just as I was about to say something we came across two small houses that looked like log cabins. The houses were authentic as if they had been hand made. Of course they were! I shook my head at myself. I was no longer living in the world of technology. 

Fili stopped his horse in front of the larger house and came to my side. Remembering I wasn't wearing much of anything underneath I tried to keep my legs together, so he wasn't flashed. I jumped off the horse to the best of my ability, and Fili caught me.

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