Scenario 1: World Meeting

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A very standard start to a Hetalia roleplay, considering what the first episode of the series was.


Oh boy, it's that time again... It was time for another World Conference. It was most likely going to end in pure and total chaos, as per usual, but everyone was still required to go regardless, despite how reluctant they were to go.

Everyone had already arrived at the meeting hall, or was at least on their way or in the building.

What do you do?


Rose walked alongside America to the room she was absolutely dreading to end up in--the conference room. She always hated going to these meetings, especially when it normally led to everyone fighting or something like that. The only good that came from them was the fact that she got to see her beloved Lovino, or her "Roma Tomato", as she liked to call him from time to time.

As she entered through the double doors and made her way to her seat, she could already see South Italy, sitting right beside Spain, as per usual. Quickly, she approached him, absolutely beaming. "Hi, Lovi!" She greeted happily.


(NOTE: When starting a scenario, you must reply to what I have started after you have finished typing out your starter.) 

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