Chapter 8 🌙

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Your POV


"I think Fili and Kili fancy you" Alydren teased as we washed the sheets in the big buckets of soapy water.

"Don't be ridiculous we're just. . . We're just really good friends" I said trying to phrase our weird friendship as I thought about the pranks that would happen.

"Oh really good friends ey?" She said raising her eyebrows as I rolled my eyes and flicked soapy water in her direction and focused on cleaning the sheets as i scrubbed vigorously.

"Anyways what about you and that bakers boy?" I asked as she smirked and let out a small giggle.

"Oh you mean Rohan" She said as she paused and then continued.

"Oh he's an absolute darling and he says I'm the girl for him and oh (Your Name) he's honestly husband material" Alydren said wistfully.

"Yeah that's what he probably says to all the girls" I said as I rolled my eyes again.

Rohan was the eldest son of the baker in the village and he was a few years older than us with shoulder length black hair and wicked green eyes.

He normally wears a white shirt with black pants and a white apron and be was rather good looking but he chased after all the girls in the village and was known to be quite a flirt.

"You be careful around him though Alydren, he's known to be a flirt" I said as she nodded and sighed before picking up her basket of clean sheets.

"Are you finished yet, (Your Name)?" Alydren asked as I nodded and hoisted my basket on my hip and we walked back to our houses.

"I always want a home in the future that's filled with laughter and happiness" Alydren said as she had a dreamy look on his face.

"That came from nowhere" I said as I laughed and she linked her arm into mine as we laughed and continued walking.

"A place where someone still thinks of you. That's a place you can call home..." I said as I remembered Fili told me that in a conversation once.

"Well do you have somewhere to return too?" Alydren teased as she nudged me with her shoulder as we still remained linked.

"Well I know you're the one i can return too" I said referring to our friendship as I remembered Kili and Fili telling me this in a conversation about home.

"I can't always be the one you're going to return too'

End of Flashback

I snapped out of my daze when Bard poled his barge into a dock and I stood up from my seat and brushed my clothing down.

I gazed around at the houses and noticed how most of them were quite run down and a bit grimy but it was still home to these people.

I heard a barrel fall over and I glanced from the corner of my eye to see Bard had pushed it over and the fish slid across the floor as Bard went to touch another barrel but Dwalin's head popped out.

“Get your hands off me.” he said as he pulled himself up from the barrel without any help.

The remaining dwarves and Bilbo struggle out of their barrels, looking greasy and slimy from the fish. The dock keeper looks on in shock. Bard approaches him and slipped him a coin.

Call Your Name - Fili x Reader x Kili ON HOLD حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن