Chapter 1 🌙

809 15 12

Reader POV

Age: around 16 years old

"Yes Mother" I replied.

I closed the wooden door gently as I let my hand slip off the handle before it fell down next to my side as I took in the state of said door. 

The brown  paint had begun to chip around the edges so it would need to be repainted soon and the bottom of the door had a few of what looked like  little triangular chunks taken out of the wood.

I shrugged my shoulders and sighed as I thought about how Mother would make me paint the door instead of her or father doing it in their spare time. 

I jumped off the little step we had and begun my way down the little stone path we had as my feet crunched on the gravel with every step I took until I reached the small wooden gate from which I made my exit.

I pulled my knitted shawl closer to my body as I smoothed down any crinkles I had in my blue dress from this mornings chores.

Mother had me made clean the entire house because she had hurt her back and Father was away at work so he could not do that task for he would be too tired and would much prefer to come home to a tidy clean house rather than an unkempt mess.

I pushed a stray lock of my (Hair Colour) hair behind my ear as I squinted slightly in the sunlight as I made my way down the street.

The people I called my mother and father are not my biological parents as I am their adopted daughter.

I never knew my parents because they died when I was a baby and these people took me in as if I was their own daughter for which i will be eternally grateful because of what they have provided me.

They've given me a chance to live, provided food and shelter, provided a stable future for me and clean clothes that I can wear whenever I want but most of all they've given me a family to love and to be loved by.

I wandered through the busy streets and moved to the side as a pair or children ran past all the while shrieking at one another in a joyful matter.

I let out a small smile as I remembered my childhood days when I used to play down next to the small river and climb the trees with Fili and Kili. 

They were both brothers and I was on my way to meet them again now for we had an annual arrangement and met once a week.

We had stumbled upon each other when we first met at the river a few years prior and had instantly became friends and now we arranged to meet every so often.

I made my way down to the river and on my way there i noticed they had already arrived and Kili was hanging upside down from a tree by his legs while Fili simply let put a small laugh and shook his head at his brother.

Fili turned and noticed I was making my way down so he took a few steps to meet me halfway and engulfed my body in his arms. 

I laughed and smiled a little as I returned the hug and he pulled away and turned to Kili.

"It's nice to see you both again" I said as Fili and smiled and gave a small nod of his head and turned to kili.

"Hello (Your Name)" Kili said as he held onto the bottom of his shirt to prevent it from falling down and exposing his stomach.

I moved my body forward and followed Fili as he made his way next to his brother once again.

Kili sat up and jumped down from the tree before brushing off the small pieces of bark that somehow had planted themselves on his clothing. 

Call Your Name - Fili x Reader x Kili ON HOLD Where stories live. Discover now