Chapter 11 - Time to tell it all over again...

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Chapter 11 - Time to tell it all over again...

I thought you weren’t gonna show up then

I turned around and saw Pippa smiling at me as I just entered the cafe

So, Katy, tell me everything”



“Ok…Well, the day after I left your house, my mum…” This was when I felt a lump in my throat “…my mum was killed”

“WHAT” Pippa said with her mouth wide open and people turning around looking at us.



“My dad”


"…With a gun…just shot my mum..I was coming back from the shop

Baby, I’m so sorry, why didn’t you call me?”

I was about to, I ran after that but...

"But what?!”

“But I ran into Niall..."



“How?! When you didn’t even know him?!”

“I met him when I was going to the shop and I just ran into him”

“So basically, Niall saved your life!”

“Come to think of it, yeah he did” I smiled, I never realised how I’m thankful to be with Niall.

I told her about what happened when I got kidnapped by Kyle, what he did with me and how I felt, also how I lost Caoimha, by now we both in tears.

Babe, I’m so sorry”

“Why are you saying sorry, you didn’t do anything”

“Exactly, I should of been there for you, I was out here, minding my own business”

“Look, Pippa, were here now, forgot about the past, remember, we always help each other out”

“Yeah your right”

I missed you so much Katy”


“Have you kept your promise?!”

I put my head down, I hadn’t kept the promise, the promise of not cutting. She would understand, wouldn’t she?!

Katy” she hissed “you promised

You’ve heard I’ve been through a lot, you’ll understand”

“I do understand, but it depends on when you did it last

I became fascinated by my shoes as I kept looking down, trying not to look into her worried eyes.


But have you kept the promise” trying to get the subject off me.

I’m going to admit I haven’t, but you need to admit to yourself that it isn’t right, please Katy, just tell me” she said reaching for my hand.

I know its not right…but”

“Katy, tell me, if you don’t I will tell Niall…”

“You wouldn’t”

“If I have to, then I will, now just tell me”

“4 days ago” I whispered.


“4 days a go” I repeated louder.

Katy, why?!”

I was stressed” I said truthfully

Katy, please, don’t put this upon you, I’m going to give you my number, call me when things get bad and I’ll call you

Yeah ok.

Do you wanna come home with me, i've got a surprise”

“Are you sure”

“Yes, now come one

Ok then, we have to watch a movie though”

“ONE DAY” we both shouted and laughed

Come one then, lets me yor surprise

I like surprises”


"Pippa meet my daughter Aoifa" I said, getting my little sleeping girl out of the cot she was in and handing her over the Pippa.

"She's so beautiful, Katy! why didnt you tell me about this earlier" 

"Surprise" I smiled, earn a stare off by Pippa.

"Come on, lets meet the boys" I said, putting Aoifa back into the cot and letting her sleep.

"You mean, One Direction, the boys"

"Lets not get too excited ok"

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