"I don't think they're together anymore." Harry says as I shake my head in disbelief. There's no way that Tara and Liam would leave each other.

I scroll through my contacts and click on Tara's.

*hey, it's been a while.*

I find Liam's contact and text him too.

*hey, how are you?*

It doesn't take long for my phone to buzz


*it has been. What took you so long?*

*I've been busy in
New York. It would be
easier to explain in person*

*meet at Starbucks on 11st?*

*sure, @ three?*


I shut my phone and turn to Harry.

"I'm going for coffee with Tara in an hour if you want to come." I say hoping he'll take the invitation. We never hang out in public.

"I'll just sleep at my mums." He says as we begin to drive down the neighbourhood Anne lives on.

"Do you need a ride?" He asks as we pull into the drive way and he shuts off the car.

"If you don't mind." I say as Harry hands the keys to me.

"You damage it, don't bother coming back." He says as I grab the keys rolling my eyes and getting out of the car.

"Is your mother home-"

"Niall!" I feel Anne's arms wrap around me before her hand lands on my stomach.

"My baby is in there!" She exclaims as my mother exits the house. Great.

"A healthy baby?" My mother asks wrapping her arms around me as Harry grabs our bags.

"Nothing for me?" Harry asks looking towards his mum.

"Right!" She exclaims laughing as she has temporarily forgotten her son.

"Harry." My mother greets and Harry nods.

They could have a better relationship.

"You two can stay here, we can talk all about the wedding over coffee tomorrow-"

"There isn't going to be a wedding mum. Niall and I are barely talking." Harry says as our mothers stay silent.

"There will be a wedding. Even if it's just signing papers-"

"So we can pay lawyers and go through years of debt and trouble just to split again? No." I say looking towards my mother.

"Marriage never kept my dad around. Marriage doesn't work." I say as Harry pushes me inside the house.

"You should go for coffee right now." Harry says as we walk up the stairs.

"Why?" I ask as he walks into his old room.

"Because your mum is going to kick your ass if you stay here." He says truthfully.

"I don't care anymore Harry." I say caving to the bed. I lost my virginity here.

"Remember those parties you threw?" I ask feeling like they were a life time ago.

"Those were the days." He says smiling. Harry was a king in high school. He owned everything and had everyone's attention.

Now he's just my Harry.

My cheating scum bag baby daddy Harry.

"Do you want anything g from Starbucks?" I ask sitting up as Harry smirks.

"A vanilla frap, extra gay." He says as I swat him.

"No, I'm fine twink" he says earning another slap from me while we both laugh.

That was us.

I hold Harry's keys tightly as I grab my wallet.

"Um, Harry?" I ask softly feeling like I need something from him.

"What?" He asks walking closer to me as he checks himself out in the mirror that I'm standing in front of.

"Make me a promise." I say looking down knowing that if I look him in the eyes I will lose my point and he'll walk away Scott free once again.

" what is it?" He asks as his hand wraps around my wrist.

"Promise me that you won't cheat on me again." I say watching him nod.

"I won't." He says although I've heard it before.

"Marry me." He demands as his other arms wraps around my waist pulling me close to him.

"Think about it. Niall Styles. We could be perfect." He says softly as I want everything he's saying.

I just know it's not real.

" get me a ring." I demand knowing how long they take and how expensive they can be. If he gets me one then I'll know that he's serious.

My heart drops as he walks away from me and towards his bag to unpack.

I'm about to leave when he clears his throat.

"Marry me." He says again holding out a small red velvet box.

I nod before he opens the box showing me a gorgeous ring.

"I got this when I was going to leave for Cheshire. I was going to do it last minute but I couldn't. We would have never went to uni and would probably be fighting in a small shitty apartment." He says before sliding the Ring onto my finger where it sits perfectly.

"Now go get coffee." He says as I grab both sides of his face in my hands.

I kiss him deeply before letting him go and smiling up at him.

I leave the room in a hurry and leave out the door ignoring my mum and my mother in law to be.

I get into Harry's car and begin to drive to Starbucks feeling just as happy as if Harry and I just left our bowling date.

Maybe we're back for good.


Word count: 2089

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