Chapter 31 - Surprise surprise

Start from the beginning

"OR? Are you trying to tell me that you are going to do a C section? Doctor my baby is only 7 months old it's not time yet."I argue feeling my hand hold onto Hannah's protective and my body move in front of her trying to keep her safe.

"Beth..If we don't operate now we will lose both of them. Right now your baby has the best chance of surviving this if we get through this without any problems."

"What about Hannah? Look we had a whole plan and date. This is not how it was suppose to happen and you're not even our doctor..."

"Beth.."A soft voice said from behind me and I jumped at the sound looking at her seeing tears run down her face but smiling all the same."I'll be fine..I promise.."She said squeezing my hand with no effort or strength at all.

With that all I could do was nod. Within seconds they were rushing Hannah off into surgery and I stood in that room wondering if I had just lost her forever. No one seemed to believed that things were just going to be fine except Hannah. Not even my parents tried to put on a brave face which seemed the most terrifying.

It seemed like an eternity of me walking back and forth in the waiting room hearing Kim have some snide remark every now and then. If felt never ending and right now my chest was burning. I haven't had a cigarette for five years but right now it felt like I smoked a pack all at once. Perhaps the constant struggle to breathe had something to do with it and the anxiety of thinking that there was a very real scenario where the doctor would walk in here to tell me that Hannah didn't make it.

  The doctor said that the baby had a better chance of surviving. I didn't understand how that was even possible. How could I not know that Hannah had high blood pressure. How the hell was I going to raise a baby on my own without her..How was I going to raise a baby that had so much of Hannah inside her knowing Hannah would never knew or see or be with us.

"Where is she?!"A familiar voice echoed through the halls as I turned my head I saw them rushing towards me.

"Mr and Mrs Miller."I said unsure of how to react of even to bother trying to act like I cared what they thought

"I told you Eric but no you wouldn't listen and see now our daughter is in here."She said gritting her teeth looking over at me.

"Would you calm down and let Beth tell us what is going on."Her father said looking sympathetically at me.

Before I had the chance to say anything Kim was suddenly in front of me hugging Hannah's parents. They seemed a bit surprised but hugged her back as well. Figures that they would like Kim. Kim wasn't sleeping with their daughter.

" Hannah is in surgery they had to operate. Her blood pressure was sky high and they had to try to save the baby."

"Baby?"Her mother asked shocked now looking at me again. "Why didn't.."

"He knew."I said to her looking at Hannah's father "Because he was at our wedding and he made the effort. He is a part of our family which you aren't. "I said a bit harshly realizing I was still angry at her for making Hannah go to her wedding without her Mom there.

Kim interjected again quickly "So like I was saying..they said that they have a better shot at saving the baby and that they were um..going to do everything they could."She said her voice becoming a bit scrathy at the end.

"But Hannah is going to be alright?"Her mother asked again and at that point no one really knew what to say. Nobody wanted to say the words that she could most possibly die but it hung over all of us like a cloud and sure even her mom got the message and instantly went quiet and sitting on the nearest chair.

"Beth do you want to go for a walk?"Her father asked me surprising me and I agreed

We walked outside the hospital through the garden and sat on a bench facing a small waterfall. When I looked around at our town it all seemed normal. The bakery shop and gas station and even the butchery was starting to open making me realize that we had been at the hospital for more than 10 hours. I seemed strange..Still everything in town was normal yet my life was anything but.

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