Chapter 54. A Different Shade of Alpha

Start from the beginning

“Oh, God, Reid…That’s what you  meant when you called yourself a coward. When you blamed yourself for not jumping into Arthur Brandenhoff’s mind without hesitation. That’s what you were afraid of, wasn’t it?! That’s what you meant when you said no one could have your back!” Hotch watched Reid chew on his lip and stare at the floor.

When he spoke again, the Unit Chief’s voice was as stern, as angry, as…savage…as Reid had ever heard it. “Don’t you dare ever call Spencer Reid a coward again. That’s a direct order. Do you hear me?” Reid nodded.

“Do we understand each other, Agent?”

Reid nodded again. Probably more than any other two people on the planet. But he worked to keep a tiny smile at bay. Even trying to block mental access to Hotch, he couldn’t help feeling the fierce, protective wave of emotion. And there was something new he’d never felt from his boss, or any of his teammates who looked on him as a quirky, little brother. It was respect. A different kind from what they accorded his intelligence.

Reid raised his chin a little higher. Hotch was giving him the respect due another alpha male. Granted, a different kind of alpha male. But he knew Hotch considered him an equal for the first time.

Reid could have cried, he felt so proud.

But that would have ruined it.


“Wha’d’you suppose’s taking them so long?” Morgan fidgeted in his seat, uninterested in the stack of dog-eared magazines from the 1990s that were the only entertainment available in the lobby.

“I guess they have a lot to sort out.” Rossi crossed and uncrossed his legs. He was as bored as Morgan, but had greater patience for the imposed idleness of waiting rooms. He glanced at Ana. She alone seemed to be capable of embracing enforced inactivity. Her body was relaxed. Her eyes were unfocused, as though she were occupied with something other than visual cues. Probably listening in on Reid and Hotch. Maybe participating in their discussion for all we know. Rossi broke away from that particular path of speculation. It wasn’t productive. And it made him a little nervous.

It was Morgan who remembered that Ana didn’t enjoy being in the proximity of hospitals and the burden of emotional baggage they carried.

“Hey, Ana!” She turned toward him, but her eyes remained blank-looking. Morgan shivered. If things progressed as he hoped they would and Reid finally had a serious relationship, he didn’t think he’d be in any danger of being a third wheel. They were just too…strange. Nice and likeable…But odd. Ana smiled as the thought passed through his mind, confirming his suspicion that he wouldn’t become a nosy adjunct to the pair.

But he was concerned for her comfort nonetheless. Mostly because he wanted Reid to find some happiness, and this girl was the closest he’d come.

“If you need to get out of here, you know…take a walk or something…I’ll come get you when Reid’s done.” The smile she gave him this time was open and warm and beautiful. He almost reconsidered labeling her ‘odd.’ But then…

“Thanks, Derek, but they’re almost done. Spencer’ll be out in a few minutes.”

…and Morgan decided even double dating wouldn’t be something he’d feel totally comfortable doing.


The elderly doctor had completed his rounds.

Just one patient remained to be seen. The one he’d skipped when he’d seen the young visitor place a hand on the patient’s chest. He waited until the visitor left, walking purposefully toward the lobby where the rest of his friends were waiting.

Entering the room, he noticed his patient still looked weary even after nearly fifteen hours of sleep. Probably the effect of his ‘talk’ with that youngster.

“How’re you doing today, son?”

“Fine, doctor…?”

It took him a moment to realize he was being asked his name. He smiled and shook his head at his own forgetfulness concerning the etiquette of introductions. “Forgive me…” He glanced at the chart. “…Aaron. Or do you prefer…” He looked again. “…Mr. Hotchner?”

“Aaron’s fine.”

“Is he?” The doctor stepped closer, seemingly having forgotten from one moment to the next that he’d been asked his name. “Well, I think Aaron looks a little tired. And maybe his knee is still bothering him?” He laid the chart down on the bed and leaned over Hotch. “But we can fix that.”

The patient’s eyes widened momentarily as the doctor laid a hand across his forehead. Then Hotch’s lids drifted shut. With a deep sigh, he relaxed into the bedding.

The doctor slipped his other hand inside the neckline of the hospital gown. It fit perfectly against the whitened mark on the man’s chest. The mark that was too large to be Ana’s…too small to be Reid’s.

The old physician smiled down at his patient. Names had lost meaning for him long ago. They were labels that told nothing of the person to whom they were attached. For instance, this man answered to ‘Aaron,’ a name that thousands shared. But through his touch, the doctor understood this Aaron and knew he was kind, brave, faithful…basically a decent man. A man who wanted to do good in the world. And he needed to be healthy and fit to do the good to which he aspired.

The doctor pressed his hand tighter against the gently moving chest.

Rest, Aaron.......Heal…

He was confident he’d be able to release this patient tomorrow.

He’d just say that Aaron was a fast healer. No need to go into details.

Heal, Aaron…

Evolution, a Spencer Reid/Criminal Minds FanficWhere stories live. Discover now