Ch 13 - A Terrible Ultimatum

Start from the beginning

"Your clothes are also made by an omega. Have you ever stopped to look at the excellent craftsmanship?" He looked down at his linen shirt with a frown, lifting up the hem as if seeing it for the first time.

"Did you know that it was a woman who came up with the design of the tables and chairs you sit on every day?" I looked over to Kitty, the carpenter's wife. She had told me that she drew all of her mate's designs and he made them come to life.

"It was also a woman who worked out how to reinforce the cold-store to keep the temperature lower for longer?" Aleena, a single female wolf, had submitted the design anonymously, knowing it would get rejected outright otherwise.

"Every position is valuable. Without any of them, the pack would fall apart. Why do you think it is just Alpha and other high ranks that are important?"

He just stared at me in silence and I wondered if I had gone too far. Fiona wrapped her arm around his, looking up at him patiently. He ruffled his hair again, distractedly combing his fingers through as he looked at all the women in the room.

Some of the warriors' mates looked nervously at their boss. Fiona had taken a risk in bringing him in here, but I trusted her. He must be ready for this.

He nodded silently to those watching in fear, "I promised Fiona that whatever I saw in here would remain secret. I won't break a promise to my mate, but we have to go now. I have a lot to think about."

Fiona smiled encouragingly at me as they left without another word. I had to leave it in her hands now. Hers and Ori's.

The party restarted and I sat cross-legged on top of a washing machine forcing myself to enjoy the sight but it was hard. My back was sore, Alpha had been particularly vicious tonight and the repetition of having several strokes daily was beginning to take its toll.

Silver licked the wounds as she always did, and I moved my legs, hugging them to me and bending my knees so I could rest my head on them. I was so tired.

Nights were still filled with nightmares and wood mountains. Facing Jeremy's smirking face each evening and pretending I was okay was exhausting. I could never let my guard down. Locking doors and checking them had become an obsession.

I tried convincing myself it wasn't that bad, he hadn't actually done the dreaded deed. But the problem was much more than that. He was free and I was being punished. The unfairness of it sometimes caught me off-guard and I could scarcely breathe.

I didn't insult him every night, there were times where I just couldn't face the extra strokes. But I could tell Alpha was not happy, he never expected me to last this long. Sometimes I wondered if it was worth it, maybe I should just apologise.

Revulsion at the thought filled me. I wouldn't do it. I couldn't do it.

The Starfish old and new all knew the truth. And now I knew some untold truths too. I wasn't the only woman who had been forced. He had been doing it for years, and fear kept women silent. I didn't blame them, they would be the ones who suffered if they told.

I think Alpha was getting more brutal because Alpha Alpha Griffin was coming in a few days. He really didn't like the thought that his lack of control would become apparent. He told me earlier that if I didn't yield soon, that he would put something worse into place to ensure my cooperation.

I was terrified of what he was going to do.

I shook my head. Right now, all I should do was watch the women dancing and enjoy Silver's loving attention. It was all I could do.

Too soon, the women began to disperse. A ball of anxiety formed in the pit of my stomach. I hated the night time. I left in a group of women, hiding myself in their numbers. Once I reached my floor, I ran to my room and bolted the door.

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