"What your mother is trying to say is," Mr. Rose interjected. He made a left turn into the gates of a beautiful mansion. "You should get acquainted with the people in the business because sooner or later, you will have to take some part in it too."

Mr. Rose parked in front of the stairs to the front door of the mansion. The valet opened the doors for the Rose family. They got out of the car and went up the stairs. "Your father is right, but I meant what I said: find someone," Mrs. Rose said sternly.

When they entered the ballroom, Luna saw that it was quite filled. She looked around, hoping to see a familiar face, but she didn't see anyone. Her parents left her to fend for herself in a foreign place as they went to greet the other guests. Luna stood there alone, not really knowing what to do with herself. She tends to start feeling so awkward when she is at a new place with strangers.

"Luna?" A voice called for her. Luna looked around and saw Noah walking up to her. "Hey, Luna!"

Luna felt relieved; a familiar face. "Hi Noah!"

"What are you doing here?" Noah gave Luna a hug.

"My parents asked me to come."

"Oh! If I had known you were coming, I would have brought you myself."

"Oh no. I don't want to inconvenience you."

"No trouble at all. I would have loved to bring you along. How are you liking the party?"

"I just got here. I haven't had the chance to look around yet, but honestly, it seems a bit boring." Luna and Noah chuckled. "Why are you here?"

"My parents wanted me to meet all the important people because I will be taking over the business soon. I need to be well-rounded with the business."

"I see," Luna said. "Same here; my parents want me to know the business, even though I will not be taking part of it."

"Oh? What are you doing instead?"

"I'm working at a children's center right now, but eventually, I want to build my own center. I want to continue working with children."

"That's so admirable."

"Thank you." Luna could feel herself blush a little.

"Oh! Grayson and Sera are here too. Let's go say hello," Noah said. Luna didn't want to, but Noah guided Luna over to the other side of the room.

"Look who's here," Noah said as he and Luna approached Grayson and Sera at a table. They were each holding a glass of red wine.

"Luna!" Sera said excitedly.

"Hi," Luna said smiling. She wasn't exactly thrilled to be seeing Grayson; she is still confused about her feelings towards him.

"Good evening, Luna." Grayson's deep voice brought goosebumps to Luna's body. The way Grayson said her name, Luna couldn't help but feel something.

"Hi, Grayson."

"Are you enjoying the party?" Sera asked Luna.

"It's alright. I don't really know anyone here."

"Reminds me!" Sera said excitedly. "Noah! You said you were going to introduce me to your friends and business partners."


"Let's go." Sera wrapped her arm around his tightly. She tugged at his arm to go towards the crowd. "Brother, go introduce Luna to your business acquaintances."

"I'll see you two later," Noah said as Sera dragged him away from Luna and Grayson.

Again, Luna was left alone with Grayson. She didn't know what to do. When a server came by with a plate of wine glasses, Luna stopped him and picked up a glass. "Thank you." She noticed Grayson's eyes on her.

"Are you sure you want to drink that?" Grayson asked, his eyes on Luna and then the wine glass in her hand.

"Oh this?" Luna didn't know why she took the wine glass. She just felt uncomfortable standing there not doing anything so her body reacted without thinking first. "It's just wine."

"It's still alcohol."

Luna was reminded of the night she drank the vodka shot at the party and blacked out. "I think I'll be fine," she said. She brought the wine glass up to her lips and took a small sip. She tried so hard, but was unable to control her facial expressions; she made a sour face as she swallowed the wine. She heard Grayson chuckle.

"You don't drink, huh?" He took a sip from his wine glass.

"Not really," Luna admitted. Her heart started to beat faster and her face suddenly became warm. She started to fan herself with her left hand.

"Would you like to go outside for some air?"

Luna looked up at Grayson. She quickly pondered on his question. She did need some air. "Yeah."

Grayson led Luna out the ballroom and down a hallway to a large door. He pushed the door open and held it for Luna.

"Thank you."

On the other side of the door was a stone walkway through a green grassed field. There were rose bushes along both sides of the walkway. Luna looked up at the sky. The moon was out and shone brightly. The stars sparkled like diamonds in the dark night sky. The air was cool and fresh.

Grayson gestured for Luna to the pathway. Luna stepped onto the stone pathway, her heels clinked on the ground. Luna and Grayson walked side by side down the pathway; Luna stared up at the beautiful night sky and smiled.



***Hi all! It's been a while since I posted and update. I have been busy with a convention and babysitting my nephew and have not been able to sit down and type. I finally found some time to update my story tonight! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and look forward to the upcoming ones.

I will try to update as much as I can before I go on a 2-week vacation. I will let you all know when I leave so you know that I will not be updating for a while. Thank you for sticking with the story and giving it so much love! You are awesome!!!***

He Loves Me (Curves and All) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now