"Go ahead Suga."

The little boy ran over. He had a slight accent, I was sure he's the kid in our class that just moved from Daegu. Min Yoongi.

He began to climb up the ladder just as Jungkook hopped of the swing, crossing his arms. "This is our territory, move along kid." He tried to make his voice deeper, emphasizing the Busan accent in his throat.

Yoongi quickly hopped down from the ladder, scanning the bunny up and down. "Do I know you?"

"No, but you should know this is my spot."

"Do you own this land?"

The maknae tilted his head confusingly. "What? No."

"Then how is it you're territory if you don't own it?"

Jungkook had no idea how to counter Yoongi's valid point. "Don't be a smarty pants!"

"What are you, some lame playground bully?" Jungkook didn't answer back and Yoongi soon shifted his gaze to me. "And why does she get to stay?"

"Because she's my friend."

Yoongi rolled his eyes, retreating back to him mother. "Whatever, I don't care anymore."

Jungkook huffed angrily, turning back to face me. "I sure showed him, huh?"

"Bye loser!" Yoongi waved, causing Jungkook to stomp his foot angrily and me to giggle quietly.

Beginning Of The School Year
Middle School

I finally hit that growth spurt I've been needing. Instead of having little mosquito bites I actually have boobs now. They're not that big but I'm still grateful. I also grew into my face a bit.

I stood by Yeonwoo, we've already grown close after just two weeks of school. Yeonwoo also looked more mature than me so she was getting all the attention, but the girl promised to stay pure and paid the boys no mind.

"So, the Jung Hoseok kid is new to Seoul, right?" Yeonwoo picked at her nails.

"Same with Park Jimin, that's probably how they hit it off so quickly."

I scan the area to see if I could spot the two boys, but I saw someone else that caught my eye. Jungkook. Me and him lost contact for little while, it's different seeing him now. Although he still look like a baby he's a lot more mature as well.

Without hesitation, I screamed out his name loud enough to make him drop his conversation and turn in my direction. His eyes wandered for a bit until resting on me. He stared at me confusingly, not moving a muscle until I gesture for him to come forward.

He approached me nervously while I had a wide grin on my face. His eyes quickly dipped to my chest, titling his head as he eyed my new breast with a confused expression. His eyes picked up, him now looking scared.

"I'm sorry, I just didn't expect you to change like this." He said while putting emphasis on the last word. "Jiyeon, right?"

Cupid's Bow [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now