Chapter Thirty Five: Unknown Caller

Start from the beginning

"Well..." Genie smirked.

As if on cue, the lights to the warehouse were suddenly turned on. I shielded my eyes from the brightness and looked up, squinting, to see I was surrounded. Idols I recognized from the music shows came out from behind the shelving, all staring at me.

'What the hell.'

My eyes darted around at everyone. Even though they were not very threatening on their own, they were intimidating in a group.

I looked back at Bulldok standing at front of me to see they looked thoroughly entertained. 

"Everyone here hates you." Sora added, the idols, both male and female, cheering behind me. "We'll all make life absolute hell for you until you quit."

"Do your worst." I sneered, knowing damn well they couldn't do anything to me. I had been through a lot in my short time in the FBI, so I was sure nothing they did could possibly phase me.

I was dead wrong.

Something hit me in the back. It bounced off of me and fell, cracking on the ground. I turned around to investigate, looking to find who had thrown the thing, when another projectile came and hit me in the face, cracking and spreading a sticky substance all over my face.

I reached up and wiped my face, looking down at my hands.


These people were throwing eggs at me?

"Get her!" Someone yelled, and the whole warehouse joined in, pelting me with eggs. I shielded my face, waiting for the onslaught to end. The whole time, all I could imagine was the sheer amount of food they were wasting.

While I was distracted,  someone came up from behind and pushed me over. I fell onto my hands and knees, opening my eyes to see the hair falling in front of my face was coated in egg shells and egg yolks.

"Just quit!"

"No one like you!"

Another person came gave me a swift kick to the back making me fall onto my stomach, the group closing in on me and throwing more eggs from an even closer proximity.

'Get up and fight!' I told myself. Only a wimp would lay down and take something like this.

But I guess I was a wimp, because I couldn't find the strength or will to get up and fight. My brain was trying to tell my body to get up, but I just couldn't do it.

Just when I thought everything was over and done with, I opened my eyes to feel a ton of white powder being dumped on me.


Seriously? They couldn't even be original about the way they bullied me.

I opened my eyes and looked down at my hands, a gross mixture of egg and flour covering me from head to toe.

To top it all off, the crowd of idols watching me couldn't stop laughing the whole time.

"Look whose ugly now!"

I had never felt so humiliated in my life.

Someone grabbed a fistful of my hair, forcing me to look up into a camera. They had recorded the whole thing.

"Look at yourself, you're a fool!" A girl I didn't recognize yelled.

The person holding the camera was the Genie from Bulldok. She waved at me from behind the camera before turning it off.

"Don't you feel like an idiot?"

"All you had to do was quit."

The hand holding onto my hair let go, and my head dropped down. I stared at the ground and the mess that was surrounding me.

'Be strong.'

I gathered the strength, inspired by Geum Jandi from Boys Over Flowers, to look up and yell, "Do more! If you're so tough then do more!"

The group laughed, the girls closing in on me as the guys stood back and watched. They had already thrown all of the eggs at me, so what else could they possibly do? Throwing water on me would only help out.

Well, as it turns out the girls weren't afraid to get violent. A barrage of weak punches started landing on me. Some of the girls kicked me, their expensive shoes probably getting dirty from the contact.

'Fight back!'

I told myself.

But despite my strength, with the sheer amount of girls holding me down and punching and kicking me, I couldn't get up.

I couldn't find the physical or mental strength to protect myself.

Some of them pulled at my hair, tugging my head in opposing directions, while one person landed a couple of good punches to my face.

"I'm bored of this." One girl sighed after a while.

The rest of them stopped too.

"Let's go, she's not worth it." A voice laughed, the others nodding and agreeing.

"Come on guys!"

I laid dejectedly on the ground, watching as the mob of people joined together and left towards the exit, laughing and joking like friends; like they hadn't just beaten me up and humiliated me. I watched as the crowd of well-dressed and attractive people walked away from me, their designer shoes clinking away on the ground, their dyed hair all swaying with each step. Anyone who saw them pass would have thought they were perfect.  

This is precisely why I didn't trust pretty people.

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