Explaining to Emily

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Chapter 4

Jessica's p:o:v

I rushed inside replaying the last couple of minutes in my mind.

I entered the main room to see Emily sitting on the couch. I took my shoes off and walked over to Emily.

I sat down and Emily turned to look at me.

Emily's p:o:v

I was starting to get worried until I heard a car door slam. Jessica came in and sat down beside me.

Jessica's p:o:v

"Where have you been all day" Emily asked.

I smiled and explained everything to her.

She didn't believe me until I showed her nialls phone number and a picture we took together.

She told me about how her boyfriend has kept ignoring her calls and she's getting worried.

I calmed her down and about half an hour later we both went to sleep...

We woke up in the morning and we both agreed to go sightseeing.

We took a bus into London and walked around different museums and looked at statues and towers.

We stopped at a place called Starbucks to get a drink.

We sat in the corner away from everyone else.

We were only about 3 blocks away from our hotel.

We finished off our drinks and were about to leave when there was sudden rise of noise.

At the front of the place there were people entering with body guards crowding around them.

They sat in the corner opposite us and everyone who was making the noise before went back to what they were doing.

We watched closely as the bodyguards left them alone to order and they were all in disguises.

They took there drinks back and I got a text.

Emily grabbed my phone and read the text first she scanned over the writing and it looked like she was about to faint.

Emily's p:o:v

As we were watching the mysterious people Jessica's phone beeped next to me but she was still looking at the people.

I opened up the text and nearly passed out when I read what it said.

"Hey Jessica, we are sitting across from you in Starbucks, Harry said your friends hot. Come sit with us"

❤️ Niall

Jessica's p:o:v

I grabbed the phone out of Emily's shaking hand and read the text. It was from Niall telling us that they were the weird people that came in and that Harry said Emily's hot.

I grabbed our stuff and Emily snapped out of her state. We made our way over there and say down with them.

Nialls p:o:v

We entered Starbucks and sat down after we ordered.

I looked around the place and stopped when I seen two girls oppisite us staring at us like we were freaks.

I looked closely and realized it was Jessica. I smiled to my self and told the other boys. Typical Harry saying her friends hot.

I typed out a text and sent it to her.

I watched as her friend grabbed it and nearly fainted when she read my text. Jessica grabbed the phone out of her hand and looked up at me and smiled. They got there things and came to sit with us.

Authors notes

Sorry it's really short

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