Jessica's secret party

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Chapter 14

Nialls p:o:v

We have got everything ready and are about 4 hours away from arriving in Australia.

I can't wait to see Jessica's face.

I hope everything goes to plan and she likes her party.

Harry hasn't shut up about Emily for the past two days.

He's asleep now. Finally.

Zayn is excited to introduce perrie to the girls.

Louis and Eleanor are excited to visit them too.

Liam is still looking for a girlfriend.

And I just can't wait to hug Jessica.

I never used to believe in love at first sight but now I do.

I I can't really describe love but I can feel it.

Harry's p:o:v

I look to my left and Niall has suddenly fallen asleep.

I wonder how he does that.

I can't wait for Australia

Everyone is excited and I can't wait to see Emily.

She was really nervous last time I talked to her.

I think she is stressing cause she thinks the plans not going to work.

I think Jessica will find out because Emily is really bad at keeping secrets when she's nervous.

We are only 3 hours away from Australia and I am too tired to think.

Nialls p:o:v

I woke up when I heard the announcement saying we were landing shortly.

I quickly got prepared.

I'm so excited to get off.

Emily's p:o:v

Harry called me and told me they were landing and that they would be at the location in about half an hour.

Jessica is prepared to leave and I'm trying to keep my mouth shut so I don't tell her the surprise.

She is dressed in a blue short sleeve- mid thigh dress.

She is also wearing black heals and has her hair up in a pony tail.

She still has no- idea what's going on but I know she is suspicious.

I am dressed in a red long sleeved dress and black heals.

All my family and her family are going to be here including her cousin who has flew in from canada and my sister who has flew in from London.

I'm excited to see my sister because I haven't seen her in 5 years

She is engaged and I'm going to her engagement party next month.

I can't wait to meet her partner luke.

They have been together for four years and I have heard all about him.

Jessica's p:o:v

I can't wAit to get there.

I know Emily is up to something because she's always "going to the toilet" or "going to get a drink" and I have caught her whispering on the phone a couple times.

At the moment I do t care cause Emily and I are going to have the best night.

My parents are too busy on a "business trip" they left this morning.

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