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"Alex! Alex! Where are you?" Anne called out for her partner, silence was the only reply. She sighed before thrusting her fist forward as she punched a brick wall. Pain shot through her fist and she recoiled back, pulling her hand to her chest and gently patting it.

Suddenly, the wall began to shake as an unlikely door opened to reveal a secret passage. Anne peeked her head in and looked around.

"Hmm... Should I stay or should I go?" She thought to herself aloud, casually referencing the song by The Clash

She turned to the left and leaned back before turning to the right and doing the same, checking to make sure no one was watching. She stood tall and looked down the darkened path and took a deep breath.

"You only live once, right?" The corners of her mouth curled up into a small smile before she took the first step into the tunnel of darkness.


As she entered the darkened room, the lights flickered on to banish the darkness. The wall of her was made entirely of flat screen monitors, a fairly large computer stood in front of it with a main frame in the centre of a desk that held it and he computers. On either side there were various cooridors that lead to either more cooridors or racks of various weapons and gadgets.

"Woah. What is this place?" Anne twirled around, trying to take in her surroundings. Sudden footsteps behind her made her jump and spin around.

"Who are you? How did you get in here?" A woman with long blonde hair and glasses walked out of the shadowed passage.

"I'm sorry. The door- It just opened on its own...." Anne partially lied, rubbing her injured hand with her other hand.

"It's alright." The woman looked Anne over, she smiled casually as she walked closer to her. Her red cape dragged along the ground as she approached the girl.

"What is this place?" Anne asked softly, her voice shaking slightly with fear of what the woman would do to her. If only she had Alex with her.

"It's the DEO. A place where bad aliens go to be punished." The woman spoke in a monotone serious voice. Anne looked at the woman with fear in her eyes, a small smile crept upon the woman's face before she began to speak again. "Don't worry, the D.E.O helps save the earth from evil doers who mean to cause us harm."

"So, you're a hero. Like the Artst?" Anne forced herself to smile a bit, in an attempt to show the woman that she was not a threat.

"I don't know that one." The woman replied, placing her forefinger upon her chin in thought, "but the people of National City call me Supergirl." The woman explained as she removed her hand from her face and extended it out towards the female. "What are you called?"

"Anne. Anne Angelo is my name." Anne grasped the woman's hand with her own as she shook her hand. The woman's grip was tighter than any of that that Anne had felt before.

"It's nice to meet you Anne." Supergirl smiled as she released the girl's hand. "How would you like to become a hero?"

"Oh... I don't know." Anne looked down as she twiddled her thumbs. "I don't even have any powers." She looked up at the woman, her eyes small and filled with doubt.

"You don't need super powers to be a Hero." Supergirl explained, she then walked over towards the computers, motioning for Anne to follow her. "My friend Wynn has no super powers, but he helps me and the rest of the DEO on all of our missions. He's a tech wizard and he even made my suit." She twirled around, her skirt lifting up ever so slightly as she spun.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2018 ⏰

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