(2) The Beginning

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Heart beating quickly as her feet pounded the concrete sidewalk. Deep breaths synced with her steps as she raced to the capital.

She didn't want to be late on the day her class would visit the House. She ran as fast as she could, and then she lost her footing resulting in her tripping and faceplanting into the hard concrete sidewalk.

"Look! Fat Jones is so fat that she can't even walk properly!" A girl with black hair and dark coloured glasses chirped. The girls around her clattered with high pitched laughter.

"It's Alex." The female groaned, pushing her chest up and lifting her head to the girls. Her face dirtied by crumbs of the earth, and a small cut on the edge of her left eyebrow. Small drops of blood rolled down the surface of the side of her face.

"Ewe! She's bleeding!" The group of girls chittered before walking away from Alex, leaving her lying on the ground.

"Thanks for not helping." She sighed before getting up into a standing position, carefully dusting the dirt off of her somewhat clean clothing. Her knees aches as she walked towards where her class gathered, causing her to wince with each step.

"Wow." A boy smirked as he turned to look at the female. "You look like death warmed over." Alex shot a glare at him and brushed past the boy to continue on the tour with her class.

" Alex shot a glare at him and brushed past the boy to continue on the tour with her class

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Alex looked around, the walls were blank and dull. Dead plants perched in small glass cups were set upon every grey table, the tables stood in the centre of every open space between two doors. A black carpet laid flat upon the ground and the walls were painted white. Since art was illegal, paint was not sold in stores, so the peeling paint marks were extremely visible at the tops of the walls. Her mind began to slowly zone out of the lesson before she was quickly jolted back to reality.

"Alexa Jones!" The man at the head of the room - her history teacher and the reason she was on this trip - called causing the female to jerk her head to him. "What have you done to your hair?" The male asked, pointing to the dried blood that stuck to a bit of her burnt umber hair.

"Oh... uh... I... uh..." Alex fumbled with her words as she twirled a bit of her hair through her pale pink tinted fingers. "I fell." Her cheeks pinkened with embarrassment of her clumsiness. "And cut my eyebrow, mister Goodwell."

"Alright." The male nodded slightly before returning to his lecture on the history of the government and why art is outlawed.

Alex leaned back against the wall, bored. And then she saw her, a female with long azure hair that had been tied up into two pigtails by two white hair elastics. She wore a plain white blouse, a black skirt that went down to her knees, and white socks in black dress shoes. She had been accompanied by two males in black suits as she entered a room. Intrigued, Alex quickly followed, slipping past the dark grey wooden door.

The female with azure hair sat perched upon a wooden stool

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The female with azure hair sat perched upon a wooden stool. She looked at the two men who had followed her and flicked her hand at them.

"You two may leave now. I would like to be alone." She spoke in a thick British accent. She wasn't British, but after studying for three years in London England, she had picked up the accent. The two large males nodded and left the room, oblivious to the female that hid behind the window curtains.

Once they were gone, Alex peeked her head out from behind a black cotton-fabric that had been draped over a silver metal bar above the window. The girl with azure hair looked to the window before walking over to it, she had not noticed Alex till the female spoke.

"Hi." Alex waved before the female jumped, her eyes widened as did her mouth. The female would quickly cover the girl's mouth with her hand to muffle her scream if she attempted one. "Please don't yell. I'm not going to hurt you. I just wanted to get out of that boring lecture."

"Mer murf mumn." The female blinked at Alex before glancing at her hand. Alex nodded slowly.

"I'm going to remove my hand now, promise you won't scream?" The azure haired female nodded before Alex peeled her hand away from her mouth.

"Pwua." The female wiped her mouth before looking at Alex. "Thank you." She paused before tilting her head ever so slightly to the right. "Who are you?"

"The name's Alexa Jones. But please call me Alex." The female nodded.

"Well, Alex. My name is Anne-" The door behind the two female would be flung open as a dark figure stood in the doorway.

Who is the figure? What are your thoughts on the story?

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Who is the figure?
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This is being made specifically for the Watty's.

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