(1) The Prologue

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In a world much different from the one we have today. In a world where art is outlawed and on the brink of extinction.

One art despising man rules the bland world he created. Dictator Max Angelo; a descendant of a great artist. As a child, he had been pressured into the path of art till one day he snapped.

He grew up in a powerful family, so it wasn't hard to create an influence that would destroy the world as we know it.

He set out with a goal in mind, after becoming the dictator, he set his plan into motion. It started with destroying valuable pieces of art and then moved to brainwashing people into believing that art was bad. As time passed, the love of art faded into hatred. The last step was to outlaw art, any rebellious acts would result in artist receiving the death penalty.

No one wanted to die over something not worth dying for. So art soon became non-existent only a few pieces still remained. Any artist would be forced into hiding, or put to sleep.

Within a few years, the world became bland and dull. Without art, colours faded away till only shades of grey were left. After those few years, the dictator's wife gave birth a lovely daughter. Unknown to him, another child also born on that day, would be the one to end his reign.

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