glass half full and all.

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Chapter Song - I Like Me Better ~ Lauv

Alala's POV

Clarke finished putting the cast on my wrist, and I asked her and Lincoln to decorate it. Clarke obliged happily, covering it in doodles of flowers and trees. Lincoln agreed too, adding a map pattern in between Clarke's plants, on the condition that next time I needed to let my anger out, I'd spar with him instead.

After that, I went to see Raven. I'd heard her saying that she wanted to tell me and that she cared about me, so I apologised for yelling at her. But she apologised for lying to me in the first place and then we played Call of Duty for an hour.

When I had lost for about the millionth time, I finally managed to muster the courage to tell Bellamy what I should have told him hours ago. I needed to tell him before our 'date', so that we wouldn't have to awkwardly whisper fight in a fancy restaurant like they do in the movies.

So I left Raven's office having arranged to come back later and discuss what was going to happen tonight, and went to Bellamy's.

"Hey, what's up?" He asked softly after I knocked on his door with a sheepish expression.

"I know what you're gonna say, but it's not gonna change my mind," I told him firmly, earning a puzzled look.

"La- I mean Malek, what are you on about?" He stuttered, tossing a pile of papers he was holding back onto his desk.

"After tonight, Blake, I'm telling Octavia. About the pictures, the threats, the lying, all of it. Because I am many things, but I refuse to be a hypocrite," I declared, still not fully entering the room.

"Okay," he replied, nodding in agreement.

"Okay?" I repeated, happy he agreed, but I anticipated more of an argument.

"Yeah. I'll tell her with you. I meant what I said to you, no more lying, to you or Octavia."

"Thanks, Bellamy," I smiled, fiddling with my cast with my left hand.

"Did you just call me-?" He questioned with a cute little smirk on his face.

"Can't stay mad at you forever, not when my life's in danger," I laughed.

"Hey, don't joke about that," he scolded half heartedly.

"Why not? Glass half full and all. Also, we have a meeting with Reyes in two hours. She said if you're late she'll egg you. I'm assuming you know what that means," I informed him as he tugged at the ends of his hair nervously. I guessed that he was worried about telling Octavia.

"She means she'll throw raw eggs at my door," he chuckled. I seemed to remember it happening before one time when Bell broke her new radio, but he opened his door in the middle of it, taking an egg to the face.

"Of course she will," I sighed, before turning on my heel to go downstairs to the main room.

Murphy was in the kitchen, making some kind of meal, Echo and Harper were playing ping pong, whilst Emori was sat in front of the tv channel surfing, with a bored expression on her face. I hopped over the back of the couch so that I was sat next to her.

"Emori, wanna watch Mean Girls?" I offered, I had kinda been wanting to rewatch it since this morning.

"You know, Glen Coco," she replied with finger guns. It was how you could tell she'd been spending far too much time with Murphy. "I'm sorry that was awful, but yes I'd love to," she corrected, getting up to put the disc in the player.

"Be a gentleman and get us some popcorn would you, cockroach?" I called out, leaning my head back so it dangled over the back of the couch, giving me an upside down view of Murphy cooking god knows what.

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