i don't want you to get hurt.

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Chapter Song - Jungle ~ Drake

Alala's POV

"What do you mean we're gonna rob the grounders. You don't rob the enemy, because it's stupid, and dumb and idiotic and-" I rambled.

The grounders swore that they would kill us on site, the result of a rivalry that started when Finn and Bellamy bought the warehouse on their turf. Bellamy was dumb enough to think we could take them, despite the fact that we were vastly outnumbered, but Finn wanted peace, which was why our rules were simply: Do Not Engage. But if anyone was to disobey their own direct orders for a high price, it would be Bellamy Augustus Blake.

"We don't have a choice, La," Bellamy interjected, looking guilty.

"For God's sake, Bell, what did you do?" I breathed, exasperated. I trusted him with my life, but not to avoid doing things the are blatantly dumb. Like when he decided that the Metropolitan Museum of Art "wasn't that hard a target," or when he decided that rappelling of the side of the cliff with noting to hold on to but a piece of fraying rope attached to a rotting tree "couldn't possibly end badly."

Bellamy's nose scrunched up in embarrassment, before he let out large sigh. "I robbed Tony Cardellini," he muttered, almost inaudibly.

"The mob boss?" I screamed.

"No, the librarian. Yes, the mob boss!" he yelled mockingly, slinking back in his chair.

"When?" I asked, wondering how he managed to perform a task so tremendously stupid under my nose, all while I was none the wiser.

"Remember when I gave you and Raven the green light to go to Mexico?"

"So you let the only two people around here with functioning brains go on vacation whilst you robbed one of the most dangerous men in America?" I shouted, shaking my head in disbelief.

Bellamy never seemed to realise that if you cross a certain line, there's no getting out when to all goes wrong, not with a man like Cardellini. No one checks on what Bellamy's up to except me. If I was at home, I would have shut it down before anyone had time to even say his name out loud, which was why Bellamy had made sure I wasn't even in the country by finally allowing me and Raven to go on the trip we'd always wanted to go on to visit her aunt.

"You're such an idiot, and now I'll never trust you enough to go on vacation again, so thanks for ruining that for me," I growled, resisting the urge to slap the freckles off his face. "Now, what's he got on you?"

"There's no way I can get the painting I stole from him back, but he'll take another one in exchange. One that the grounders have," he told me, looking guilty. Which he should, he was dumb and he needed to know.

"So he wants you to steal it from them," I nodded, creating a case file in my head. "And if you don't?" I asked. I knew it wouldn't be good, he was a mobster after all, but I hoped maybe it was just money and that the worst risk we faced here was debt; not death.

"He has pictures of Octavia, in the street, on jobs, even arriving here; she's not safe. Says he'll kill her and then me," he whispered, head in hands. "I can't lose her, Alala." He'd dug himself a grave, that much was for sure, but I was going to help pull him out.

"And you won't," I said decisively, putting a hand firmly on Bellamy's shoulder. "Now lets go assemble a team."


"Okay, guys, I get it. I'm a dumbass, you can stop telling me now. Maybe, instead, you could work on helping me," Bellamy groaned, as the the forth person told him that what he'd done was stupid.

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