you're being ridiculous.

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Chapter Song - Moving Along ~ 5 Seconds of Summer

Alala's POV

It was morning and I was awake, against my will. I remained confined to my room though, as I was still avoiding Bellamy, and I had been for the past three days. Octavia slung into the room frowning.

"Why are you still in here?" she asked, eyeing the window as if she might open the curtains. I really hoped she wouldn't.

"Just chilling," I replied, putting my phone down.

"You're avoiding Bellamy," she sighed, getting some of my clothes out of the wardrobe. "Still?" she questioned exhaustedly. Something told me she'd just had a somewhat identical conversation with Bellamy. "Just talk to him."

"Nope. It's too late, it festered,"I answered definitively.

"Festered?" she asked, her voice high in confusion.

"Like mould" I nodded.

"You lost me," she groaned, throwing an outfit at me.

"Oh, well y'know, when you fight with someone, and you don't talk to them for a while. But by then, you can't remember exactly why you're angry with them, you just are, it festers," I explained, as if it wasn't a concept I had made up in the last five seconds.

"So, talk to him," she tried to reason, as if it were that simple.

"Sorry, no can do. It festered." Poor Clarke chose that moment to walk past our open door. Or at least she tried to, before Octavia grabbed her wrist and pulled her through our doorway.

"Clarke, tell her she's being ridiculous," Octavia instructed to a very tired and confused doctor who only wanted to go get breakfast.

"You're being ridiculous," she repeated flatly.

"Your heart wasn't in it," Octavia scolded, giving her an exasperated look.

"That's because I don't have the first clue what you're talking about," Clarke groaned, glaring at her in frustration. "Can I go get my coffee now?"

"Yes," I replied, more than happy for everyone to leave me alone. "Bring me back a pop tart." I called out after her.

"Don't," Octavia countered, yelling back.

"Bitch," I huffed, shoving on the clothes she had thrown at me.

"So, are you going to talk to him?" she asked hopefully.

"Maybe," I smiled, just to get her off my back. I looked dow at the outfit she'd picked me. All black; figures.

She smiled back and left, leaving me alone in the dark room once more. I still had my hair left in the braids Octavia did, so I quickly did my eyebrows and put on some mascara before sitting back down on my bed.

Instinctively I went for the note I keep in my top drawer. I' not sure why I still had it, it's just a stupid crumpled note from my mother before she ran off to join a cult or something. I hated that I still thought about her, wondered what she was doing; whether she was alive. I ran my finger along the pen imprints of her chicken scratch, of the x at the end.

"Hey," a male voice said from the doorway. It was safe to say I was expecting pretty much anyone except Bellamy. Yet here he was, at the door, looking right at me; and the note. Oh god, the note. Bellamy hated that thing, that my own mother wouldn't even say goodbye in person; especially after he never got the chance himself. I quickly stuffed it under my pillow, but I was too slow, making him smirk.

"I didn't know you still did that," he chuckled softly, moving to perch on the very end of my bed.

"You ever think about that night?" I asked, removing the note from under my pillow and placing it back in my drawer.

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