Part 4

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Yang then woke up in a strange place. It was like she was in Beacon where there chaos and destruction that were happening all around. Have looked down at her hands and saw that she had both of her hands. Next, she saw Y/n. And he wasn't looking the most friendly or in a good way. And she knew that this isn't the Y/n she knew. He slowly walked all the way over towards her.

As he approaches, Yang prepared herself, realizing that she suddenly had her gauntlets with her. She began firing at him but to her surprise, her shots were going directly right through him and they weren't even doing any damage to to him.

Y/n then slowly put his hand on his sheathe and he continued walking towards her. Yang tried to shoot at him again but to her surprise, her gauntlets were gone and she now has one hand again. And Y/n was right in front of her. He pulled his sword right from his sheathe.


Yang had suddenly woken up, realizing that it was all just a terrible dream that she has been having. Yang stared at the prosthetic hand that was laying right next to her, having some emotional look on her face. And next, she heard some lighter coming from all the way downstairs.

You,Taiyang,Professor Port and Oobleck were making fun of Qrow in the kitchen. You were talking about how you got a hit on him when he was training you.

Y/n:You should of seen his reaction when I got a hit on him, his reaction was so priceless you should have seen it. Oh and what else did you say about him wearing a skirt.

Taiyang:The girls said that he had nice legs so I did that jerk a favor.

You all started laughing.

Taiyang:Besides that that even the best part, you see when he-

Before he could finish, Professor Port put his leg on the table.

Port:Like what you see?

Y/n:Oh my goodness, that was so a high tail classic.

You started laughing yo so hard that you were on the ground laughing. Port eventually fell on into the floor laughing and so did all of you. Little did you guys know that Yang was there and laughed a little bit as well before you noticed.

Y/n:Yang, my apologizes, I didn't knew that you were watching.

Yang:No, I'm fine.

You picked up a chair for Yang to seat down on.

Yang:No, I'm good.

Yang sat down on the kitchen counter near you and Tai. You held one on Yang's hand.

Y/n:You really need to get some rest before going out and to fight.

Yang:Like I said, I will be fine.

Taiyang:Well it looks like your not fine, do you really think that you are ready for the real world.Adult or not, you still got a long way to go before you're ready for the real world.

Yang looked really annoyed.

Yang:Oh my god, does every father figure have the three same condescending phrases?

Taiyang:Yeah!But we only use it when we mean it.

Yang:Is that so?

Taiyang:In a matter fact, it is so.

Not wanting you listen through the entire argument, you decided to cover your ears from the big argument.

Taiyang:if you really think you're ready to go out there on your own...Well I guess you lost some brain cells all g with that arm.

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