Part 3

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You and Sun were aboard the ship watching Blake.

Y/n:You know I never thought that Blake would be okay being over sea.


Y/n:Cats hate water so-Hey Sun, what are you doing with that net?

You saw that Sun was holding a net.

Sun:Oh nothing.

You two continued watching Blake. Blake was talking to the captain. While she was talking to the captain, some kids ran by her and she got altered by this.

Y/n:Oh it looks like the kitty cat is afraid of children.

Sun:It's probably because she's not the biggest of human kids.

The captain walked off and Blake took off her bow and then threw it into the water.

Sun:It looks like she's not hiding it anymore.

You watched as Blake walked off. You just wanted to make sure that she was doing okay and that and that she isn't suffering.


You were with Yang at her house. Yang was missing her arm and not in her combat outfit and you were not in your combat outfit either.

Yang was watching the news. She started changing channels before shutting it off the tv.

Taiyang:I'm home.

Yang leaned her head over the couch to face Tai who was holding a hand full of boxes.

Yang:Hey dad.

Tai:Guess what came in today.


Tai:I can't wait for you to try this.

You:Oh it looks like you got something Yang.

You placed your arm around Yang's neck. Tai placed a box on the table in front you and Yang.


Yang:It's... For me?

Taiyang:For you and you only. And for you Y/n I got you some letters.

Tai handed you some letters.


Yang opened the box and it revealed to be a cool looking robot arm.

Taiyang:Brand new, state of the art atlas tech.You know I thought I was gonna have to pull some strings, call in a few favors, but you earned this one all on your own, kiddo.

Yang: huh?

Taiyang:Before I could even talk to him, General Iroonwood already have one of his top scientist working in this for you.He wanted me to tell you that you fought admirably. You should be proud of yourself.Well?You're gonna try it on?

Yang:I uh...I'm not feeling too great right now.Maybe?

Taiyang:Well, alright.

Yang started walking up the stairs and gave you a small smile.

Yang:Thanks dad.

Later on the in the day Yang started doing some chores with her one arm. You heard a glass break in the kitchen. You saw Yang who seem to be really startled.

You and Tai looked at each other and walked off. But later on, you walked over to Yang and then held her y the hand.

Y/n: Yang, whatever you're going through, I want you to know that I am here for you and that is all that matters.

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