Chapter 27

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I woke up and Beyonce was staring at me. I flinched and slapped her leg. Then I remembered what happened yesterday and sighed. I sat up and frowned and slapped her leg again.

"Ouch. Cassie I get that I hurt you, but I don't need to be in another abusive relationship, again." She sighed and got up to get dressed.

I sighed cause she had school. I sat up and ran a hand through my hair.

"Please stay home today. I don't want to pull this card on you, but I need to. Stay home for me please." I sat on my knees and tilted my head to the side.

She looked at me for a long time before she unbuttoned her shirt and slipped back on her sweats.

"Okay." She said softly and slid back in the bed.

We sat in silence for a good 10 minutes. I layed my head on her shoulder and sighed.

"Can you do me a favor?" I said in a low voice.

"What's up?" She said wrapping her arms around my waist.

"You have to cut off Rihanna. Permanently. I understamd that you want to help her but I-" She cut me off.

"Done. I'll do it later on today." She said calmly and I sat up amd looked at her.

"Hey I'm ser" She cut me off again.

"Serious, yeah, I know. Cassie your what I need. Something new, e-e-eh, basically, I can't be stuck in the past. I love you and I will do whatever it takes to keep you here with me." She took my hand and I nodded at her.


I walked out of the store to get the car for Bey when I saw Rihanna leaving a coffee shop. I sped across the street behind her.

When I finally caught up she was in my face with a tazer. I raised my brows and widened my eyes in shock.

"Holy shit what are you doing?!" I exclaimed; she rolled her eyes and put turned the tazer off.

"Oh shit sorry I thought you were drake.Why are you following me?" She put the taxer in her purse and furrowed her eyebrows at me.

"Who's Drake?" I furrowed my euebrows at her and she sighed and crossed her arms.

"You know the rapper? That's him he did this to me." She said pointing at her bruised face.

"Oh your that Rihanna!" I face palmed myself and fixed my face.

"I eanted to talk to you about Bey. Where are you headed?"

"Hey condo actually." She said twirling her thumbs.

"Explain please so I don't get mad." I said crossing my arms.

"Well almost 1 year ago I cheated on B. Then I left her for Drake because I was pregnant. I thought and everything was fine. Until I had a miscarriage and he blamed me. Although my body just couldn't handle it. He started to abuse me afterwards and force himself on me; so I could have another baby. I escaped two days ago I went to the bakery where she used to work and explained to her old boss so I could get her address. Once I got it I went to the house and you answered. I just needed to see her I have no one." She said as tears welled in her eyes.

I nodded and patted her shoulder.

"I'm gonna have a talk with her. Um, I'm sorry to hear about what happened to you. I hope your pressing charges."

"I am."

"Well I wish you luck with everything." She nodded and I continued on my way back to the store.

Right when I hopped up on the curb Bey turned the corner.

"Cassie what happened to the car?" She asked tilting her head to the side as she handed me the bags and took the keys from me.

"We gotta talk." I said as she started walking iver to the car.

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