Chapter 26

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She gave me a small smile before she walked clean out the door. My mouth dropped I'm supposed to feel something right now aren't I. But instead I closed my mouth and sighed. I layed on the f2fd8 yt? a
Things got too real today.

"Hey mom." I said with a sigh.

"Oh hey sweetie how are you?"

"Bad. Cassie just gave me back the ring. Because Rihanna showed up all beaten I helped her and clean up shes at the condo. Could you please come over I need help?"


"What do you mean Rihanna showed up?" My mother asked as she walked through the door.

"Well she showed up on the doorstep beaten and asking for me. Cassie opened the door and seemed annoyed by how I cared about her. I tried to explain it to Cass, but then she said tell me she means absolutely nothing to you. I couldn't because I love her. Sadly I don't love her as much as I love Rih."

"Seriously Beyonce this girl is my good for you."

"But mom-"

"But nothing call Cassie now." She reached me my phone and I nodded.


After she left I stared at the phone. I have no idea what to say. I rolled my eyes and clicked the call button.

"What do you want Bey?" Cassies voice sparked my ears.

I'm happy she answered.

"I wanna walk to you. Please come back to the condo." I ran a hand through my hair.

"Whatever. I'll come but only cause I live there."

"Thank you." She hung up quickly water that and I smiled to myself.


"Cassie I'm sorry. Ri-"

"Don't say her name." She said crossing her arms.

"Okay. I have feelings for her yes but that doesn't mean much considering I haven't seen her in 10 months yesterday was the first time and we were together for 7 months."

"Time dosent matter Beyonce."

"But feelings and actions do. Seriously who do I live with?"


"Who do you sleep with?"


"Who screams your name at night?" I crossed my arms and she chuckled at me.


"Who proposed to who?"

"I proposed to you."

"Why did you do that again?" I scratched my head and furrowed my brows.

"Because I have this unexplainable feeling when I look at you. My plus starts racing and I smile uncontrollably. There's also this weird tingly feeling in between my legs." I laughed at her and sat on her lap.

"Cassie please do me a favor?" I said and wrapped my arms around her neck.


"Don't leave. I love you so much."

"Why should I even stay you said it yourself you don't love me as much as you love her." She moved my hands and a tear fell from her eye.

I closed my mouth and wiped her tear away. Soon after that there was another and another.

"Beyonce seriously do you know how that feels?" She asked and her voice cracked a bit.

"No. I'm sorry. I was being honest and I didn't want to lie to you. I broke your heart didn't I." My heart sunk and I got up off of her.


I watched her as she slept. She looked peaceful. I pushed her hair out of her face and her eyes fluttered open.

"Hey." She said softly in a husky voice.

"Hey." I said and pressed my lips in a line.

"I got you some meds they're from my mom so you know its the good shit." I joked and handed her two pills.

She laughed and sat up slowly. She tool them amd I handed her a glass of water.

"Shouldn't you be with wifey."

"Yes your lucky I'm even here." I said and pushed my hair out of my have and into a ponytail.

"Oh damn I'm sorry that because of me."

"She said the way I looked at you I never looked at her." I said and took her hand slowly and I frowned.

"Damn." She sighed and placed her hand on mine. "Now I can cross off wife stealer on my bucket list."

I laughed and shook my head.

"How you holding up?" She asked as my smile dropped.

"I broke her heart. I told her I dont love her as much as I love you. So from here on out I can't be with you at all. I love you yes, but I want to be with Cassie."

"Bey I'm so sorry. I'm sorry for everything. For disrupting your happy home with your mom. For making you like me. For cheating on you. For having a baby on you. For ruining your relationship with Cassie. I'm especially sorry for putting my hands on you." She pulled away from me and cried into the palms of her hands.

"It's ok-" I started and she cut me off.

"No it's not okay. You are the love of my life I should've never treated you that way. I didn't have the right to do that at all. I'm so sorry." She looked at me with bloodshot eyes and I nodded.

I didn't trust myself to speak so I sat there and let her cry.


When I made it home I sighed and locked the door behind myself. I ran my fingers throughs my hair and whispered.

"This was a shit show." I went upstairs and took a hot bath.

After that I went to our room. I crossed my arms and leaned against the door frame.

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