We're Attacked By Vampires With Weird Legs

Start from the beginning

"Hi Reya," he said.

"Are you all better too?" she asked him.

"You bet I am," he said ruffling up her hair.

"Ah Leah I got to go. The boss needs me. Are you okay with watching them?" my mom asked.

"Yeah we're good," I shrugged. She nodded her head, said goodbye and left.

"I'm going to go get something from my room be right back," I crossed the living room and entered my room. I didn't know what I needed I just for some reason needed to see it. My bed was in the same mess as I left it in. With the blue and green comforter half on half off the bed.

I look around at the white walls that were covered with posters of beaches and lakes, and horses. I've always loved water. I was the greatest swimmer in my school's swim team. Whenever I was in or even by water I felt more alive. I felt renewed. Horses are just my favorite animal. I don't know why.

I walked over the movie shelf and looked for a movie. When I heard Reya ask Spencer an interesting question.

"Spencer? Do you like Leah?" she asked him.

"We're best friends," he answered.

"No she means like, like," Harry said.

"Oh well-" he started.

I knew what he was going to say; that we were only best friends and that we didn't think of each other in that way.

"Um...," he started. This was taking him longer than needed. The answer was simple. "Hmm..."

Wait a second. Did he feel that way? Did he want to be more than best friends? Butterflies flew around in my stomach. I was certainly happy with being just friends. In fact I'm proud to say that of the age of 16 I have never had a boyfriend or have kissed anyone. Make fun, I don't care!

I never heard his answer. He must've whispered it to them. I grabbed a random movie and walked out to the living room.

"Took you long enough," he said with a bright red face.

Reya and Harry both had their hands clapped over their mouths, and they looked like they were trying not to laugh. That wasn't isn't a good sign. Oh well I deal with it some other time.

I gave Spencer a questioning look and he just shrugged. I put the movie in. Then I heard a buzz meaning someone wanted to be let into the building. I pressed the microphone button.

"Hello? Who is it?" I asked.

"Hello I'm Lily. I was your nurse at the hospital," said a female voice.

"Oh hi," I said.

"I needed to ask you a few questions about your current condition. May I come up?" she explained.

"Um... I'm not aloud to let anyone up unless they're family," I explained.

"Could you come down here then?" she asked.

"Yeah I can do that," I guessed.

"Is your friend Spencer up there?" she asked.

"Yes he is," I answered

"Could he come down too?"

"Um... I'll get back to you on that. Could you wait a minute?"

"Yeah sure."

"Hey guys I'll be right back. I'm going to go ask Miss. Grey a question," I told Spencer, Reya, and Harry.

"Ok don't get lost!" Spencer exclaimed. I walked across the hall and knocked on the door. I heard a dog bark, yes this building allows you to have pets. A few seconds later Miss. Grey opened the door, her black lab was at her side. She looked like she was in her lower thirties or younger. Her blonde hair was in a ponytail, and her skin was seriously pale. Today she wore a dark sleeveless dress, like any other day I've seen her.

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