We're Attacked By Vampires With Weird Legs

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The doctor examined my bones and discovered that they were fully recovered, which was a huge shock. So they took the makeshift casts off and said that I could go. Same with Spencer so we were just waiting in my room, fully dressed, waiting for my mom to come get us. Which wouldn't be for awhile because she was working today, but she managed to get off at two, and it was 1:30.

I was glad to be wearing my jeans because my pocket knife was in it. My dad gave it to me when I was seven, a day before he died. Yes it was very irresponsible of him to give a seven year old a knife, but to my defense I never really used it. I always kept it with me to remind me of him and what he said when he gave it to me.

He got really sick with some unpronounceable, incurable disease, and he was in the hospital. My mom, sister, brother and I were visiting, and my mom and siblings got hungry so they went to the cafeteria. When they left my dad turned to me.

"Leah I have something for you," he said.

"A present!" I exclaimed.

"Yes a present," he reached to the table and grabbed a little white box and handed it to me. "Go ahead, open it."

I tore the lid of and in it was a pocket knife. "Daddy it's just like yours!"

"Almost sweetie. Flip the blade out," he said.

I flipped the blade out and instead of it being a silver-grey color it was a bronze color. There was also a few different screwdrivers, and on the other side a little pair of scissors. "It's a different color! I like this color more."

He laughed a little which lead to a series of coughs. "Leah I need you to listen. Okay?"

"Okay!" I looked at him with my sea green eyes wide.

"Spence you're different from other people. There's something special about you, but you can't tell anyone this. Okay?" he explained.

"I promise," I said nodding my head.

"I made this special for you."

"Do Harry and Reya get one when they get older?"

"Nope because they're not like you, Leah. They're special, but not like you. You're different."

Even at age seven I felt like I didn't belong in my family. I have jet black hair, sea green eyes, a natural tan, and I can't forget that I have dyslexia and ADHD. Everyone else in my family has light brown or dirty blonde hair, brown eyes, pale skin, and no mental diseases. The thought still floats around my mind today, nine years later.

"Don't use it unless you need it especially the knife. Unless you're battling a monster," he said it seriously, but ended up smiling. I giggled.

"Why would I be battling monsters?"

"You'd be surprised sweetie." He fell asleep and died the next day. I've carried the pocket knife in my pocket ever since.


The moment I opened the door to my family's apartment I was attacked.

"Leah!!" shouted my sister as she and my brother hugged me.

"Hi munchkin and Harold," I laughed.

"I'm not Harold!" Harry huffed.

"Relax it's a joke," I said.

"Look it's Spencer!" Reya exclaimed.

Spencer who came over since his mom was at work and couldn't get off, and his dad was, of course, elsewhere. Also Spencer didn't want to have to deal with the baby sitter.

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