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She calls him angel, a play on that silly fucking baptismal name he calls himself now. Luciel. She laughs every time she does it, a glass bell tinkling, a sound that should only be for me. I grit my teeth. I put her up to this, I constantly have to remind myself. She hates him, or so she always tells me.

"He's hyper." "His jokes are dumb." "How are you twins?"

This makes me want her. She is mine. And sometimes when the elixir is wearing off, I want her to tell me I'm hers too. I shake that thought from my head.

She's with him now and I'm watching from a shitty camera hidden in her button. He keeps staring at her like she's the most beautiful thing he's ever seen. I fucking hate it. I want to push those stupid golden eyeballs into the back of his skull. She giggles and I'm brought back from my hateful fantasy. I want her here with me. I can make her giggle. I can tell her so she knows she is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.

He reaches across the table and tucks her hair away from her eyes. My eyes, my hair. That's fine idiot brother. Take my bait. Fall in love with my girl, she'll never love you back, never. The camera shifts, I assume she's swallowing back disgust. He smiles like an idiot, he probably thinks she's being shy from his touch. I cannot wait to destroy him.

I cannot wait to destroy her. To remind her that even though she's  out with him, she is only mine. She never objects, no matter how rough I am, how cold I am. She's always hungry for me too, eager to please me.


I sigh. We're close. She's basically got him wrapped around her finger. He wants to make her his, but she will never be, never. He stands to leave, I wasn't paying attention. Where is my focus today? Getting beat up by jealousy. I push that thought aside too.

'You need to show more cleavage. Make him crazy.'

I see my text as she reads it, then the camera wiggles a bit as she moves her shirt around. Her front facing camera opens on her phone and I'm met with my lover's breasts on my screen.

'Good toy.'

She blows a kiss on the camera and turns off the phone. My brother's dumb body returns in front of the camera. He apologizes sheepishly, his phone call was urgent, he has to go. His eyes widen at her chest and newly exposed skin. I watch his mouth twitch in desire. Mine.

'Hurry home. Clothes off at the door.'

I see her smile reflecting in the phone screen. I smile back, safe because no one can see.

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