Beaches Øf Stress

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*Wow they all thought to themselves*
"this is the definition of beautiful" josh accidentally said out loud
*Debby,jenna and Tyler laughed at josh*
"Hey! Don't laugh!" J
"Sorry jish😂" d
*They all laugh*

*first off they claim their spots on the beaches, then jenna lays out Debby and hers towels so they could sunbathe on the hot sand by the water which splashed them just a tiny bit every few minutes which made them both flinch but they adapted to it*

*Debby and Jenna both look around for the boys and spot them in..*
Jenna starts saying "of course the first place the boys go is the water!"
"Mmmhm" D
"Wow calm down there kiddo... you can't post about any of this yet! Neither of us have spoken to fans!!" T
"Oh okay but can I just get pictures with you guys and post them when you both come back??" CFG
"oh yeah ofc!" J
"Debby, jenna come here" T
"Coming" J + D
"okay smile!!" Says the CFGs mom
"Omg omg omg thank you guys so much!!"  CFG
"Yeah no problem" they all say
*debby and Jenna head to the towels but hear the boys laughing,, they suddenly were playing football with some little boy, Debby and Jenna just continued sunbathing because they didn't wanna get wet yet besides who wants to play football anyways they both thought*

* a couple hours go by so Jenna and debby head to the water where the boys surprisingly were earlier but now can't be seen, and the. Josh comes out of no where at debby with Tyler on his back and screams Debby falls backwards and screams at the boys *
"TYLER! JOSH! RE- Jenna starts talking boys now that wasn't very nice!!"
"Sorry we thought it would be funny and that it was" J

*right as josh helps Debby up it starts to pour it was fine all afternoon and was sunny but it started to get very dark when it was pouring down...*
"Wowww what a fun day, just ruined by rain and OMG is that h-h-hail! OW! RUN!" J

*josh carries Tyler on his back while the girls are already in the car, they soon start heading back home from their not so perfect all day' day at the beach😖 they thought it was fun while it lasted it was even fun running back*

"That was fun! I died the most when you carried Tyler on your back jish😂💫" JE
"Oh shush Jenna you and Debby acted like little baby's who were gonna melt in water" J
"Shut up JISH!!!" JE
Fine fine fine.... J

* the rest of the ride was a quiet ride home josh and Tyler in the front while Tyler's driving back to the hotel and debby+jenna leaning on eachother sleeping peacefully, the boys both look back in a awe moment:) they both think to themselves -how did we get so lucky-*

*josh and Tyler both thought it took forever but the girls felt like they slept for ten seconds*
"Tyler we better get going and let the girls finish their girls night😂" J
"Fineeee jisssh" T


*tyler and josh both turn around with red cheeks blushing while turning back around and walking to their car, the weather dialed down quite a bit but it was still raining pretty hard they both wanted to be back at home as soon as possible so they could sleep*

**finally they end up at home what felt like forever but was really only like 5 minutes, but it was whatever they were happy to be home josh and Tyler both went to their rooms and fell asleep right away but of course as everyone could of guessed josh had to check social media first before he fell asleep and tell debby he was going to sleep for a bit and would talk to her later if she was still awake**

"Josh!,joshhh!!,JISH!" Tyler screamed in his ear loudly
Josh rubs his eyes and whispers a quiet "what Tyler, calm down for gosh sakes"
"Sorry sorry sorry... but the girls are back, you slept a longgggg time JISH."

*josh jumps out of bed and goes to hug debby, debby and Jenna tell the boys to get ready because they were going out for lunch, the boys quickly put themselves together. But they were looking like happy little kids in candy shops as they walked around Florida, they get to the restaurant and josh quickly noticed a t-shirt that had the Blurryface logo on it. He quickly screams at Tyler and they both stare slowly turning to their sides trying not to be seen unfortunately Tyler made it around the corner while josh with his pink fluffy hair did not💫 the fan caught him as he was in worry he took pictures and signed stuff but when he went to sit back down they asked him what he wanted and he said nothing, quickly noticing somethings wrong debby comforts him but he does the finger drumming on the table when he gets anxiety and then that's Tyler starts to worry about josh's decisions*

what happens next? DUN DUN DUN;)
(did I forget to mention they were on vacation I'm sorry! But he has a house down In Florida that is originally his parents but he's using it!) ong I'm so sorry for this I tried to make it all real but nothing interesting was going on at the time so I had to fake it sorry

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