Coming out alone (hiatus)

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*josh still finger drumming stands up with the rest of the group as they are walking out the doors to leave, Tyler looks instantly worried when josh pulls his phone out of his pockets*
"J-j-josh.. w-what you d-doing there" T

Josh looks up but gives no response Tyler quickly runs to joshs and grabs his phone right out of his hands, Tyler noticed josh was writing stuff on his twitter trying to post about the stress of the hiatus and joe bad he felt not being able to talk to anyone, not being able to like something fans post, not being able to interact he's stuck in Tyler's trap of the hiatus.

"JOSH!!!,NO!" Ty yells
     Josh gives ty a blank stare and starts getting teary
"Sorry for yelling, but w-we"
Josh cuts him off saying "Tyler I understand we can't say anything but I think one of us should leave the band because this is stressing us both to much and it sure as heck is not me.."
"Josh your not kicking me out!" T
"Fine whatever I'm gonna make an announcement letting everyone know we are fine🙄 hiatus ends tomorrow wouldn't be to soon to end it" J
"Whatever josh! Your ruining this for us but it was a nice break for you while it lasted I'm staying for a bit longer until the album comes out at least!"
.josh realizes he's coming out alone.
And here he goes,
@joshuadun tweeted 2 seconds ago
"Sorry about all that, me and Tyler were  trying to decide which one of us is still in the band and which one is out etc. I think we got it sorted out."


Aliceisaphan commented: WOW, OMG JOSH! I'm so happy your back❤️❤️💫😩

Werooonika__ commented: HMM is this even real? Is this even josh? Is there a new album coming? atleast tell us that.. PLS UPDATE WE CANT WAIT A YEAR OR SO FOR MORE UPDATES CMON!
          -Read 500 more comments-

"Ty did u see my tweet!?"  j

"Yeah josh ppl really missed us I don't seeeeee nooo hate, people actually are hinting we have a new album so many cool theories!" T
"I'm just glad we still have fans josh!"
"I knew they would never leave ty:) trust me"
*tys anxiety got way better thru out the day, both him and josh constantly talking about how soon ty would be coming back , ty thinks or hopes to possibly redeem himself and come back around the time trench drops hopefully on the day which has not been released since the fans don't even know about it or any of the songs they all have theories because some stupid apps keep leaking them but ya know🤷‍♀️ whatever*

"Ty!!' Everyone's still going ballistic about my tweet. I'm gonna post me walking jim later this week on snap I think they have been waiting for me to update all social media ahah"
"Go for it josh! They really missed us nothing like you making them happy before I come back in a few months longer then expected"
"Ty you have to come back sooner they are all asking" J
"I know josh i know but I need time"

*both sitting in silence😖*

A Week Later—
Fans got a notification forJoshua dun posted on his snapchat stor..
Posted 3 minutes ago 10kviews ss 400 <>
+the video ends up all over social media+

Josh realized he did what was right and finally came out alone even if it meant leaving Tyler in the hiatus he still couldn't believe how many ppl were happy to have him back even his family happy that they could finally post about josh again!

A week later—  fans found josh liked Debby's photos after causing drama with a clique they all thought josh was dating debby again as he was.. they all hated it except most were pleased but e immediately unliked the post and the drama stopped a few days after🙄 (fr grow up guys and lit stop taking stuff from the house of memories also!)

~~Another week goes by annnddd it was finally he say before Debby's movie premiere, josh went into his barber and shaved his hair off which did make the clique mad and some did make fun of him but he liked his hair so he didn't care,,
He got back home to debby which saw that his floof was gone she smiled at him and kissed him on the cheek:)..

What will happen at the movie premier, will josh talk to fans, will he go unknown, nobody knows Until "insatiable pre" part comes out;)

^Btw you guys should go follow my friends I tagged into this story hehe^ I'm sorry this sucks so bad I should just quit:(.

—Follow me on insta @dunbelievewutsontv

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