Part 3: The Survivors

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Thomas pov:

After stepping in front of the hysterical crowd with Brenda I felt myself going into full leader mode.  As I scanned the crowd my gaze found it's way to one of the men that had attacked us. He was tall, brown hair and eyes. He was wearing a suit that appeared to have body armor on underneath it. When he noticed me looking he smiled which only made me scowl more. I decided to forget it and address the crowd.

"Gladers! Scorchers! And others!may I have your attention please?" I asked and they all snapped their heads towards me so fast I was surprised that they didn't get whiplash.

"Gladers, we have survived the maze, the scorch, and many other things so why are you running around like little girls! Let me see the survivors that I know!" I shouted and about a fourth of the people looked sheepish.

"Scorchers, you lived in the Scorch and survived the cranks. Why are you panicking! You've seen worse, get it together!" I yelled. Most of them were nodding their heads in agreement, now for the rest, I thought.

" The rest of you should be ashamed of yourselves, I know you had a hard life but we're the survivors out of the hundreds that died! We need to honor the dead, would they want you to bow down to these strangers because of a minor set back? No! They would want us to fight! We have earned our peace, our lives!! Now stand up and fight with me!!" I pretty much screamed

"Who are we!?!" I yelled

"The survivors!!" They chanted back

" Louder! Who are we!?!?"

"The survivors!"

"Again, Who are we?!?"

" The survivors!!"

Rafe McCall pov

Damn who knew that Stiles could get a crowd into such a frenzy! I thought as I walked up to 'Thomas' and the Brenda girl after the big speech.

" Umm who are you?" said Stiles. Really? I thought. I knew that Stiles didn't like me all that much before he went missing but pretending he doesn't remember me, really?

" Come on Stiles you know me I mean, I am your best friends dad." I joked

"First of all, my names Thomas, not Stiles, and second I don't trust anyone who's probably from wicked," he said rather frostily. It surprised me how cold he was being, he just wasn't like the kid that I remembered

"What happened to you?" I asked

" Oh you know probably because they erased my memory," he said sarcastically. To say I was shocked was an understatement

Hey, guys, this is an early update because I'm awesome. but anyways tell me what you guys think!

Please vote and comment it really means a lot to me! thanks!


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