Part 2: An Unexpected Call

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Hey guys! this chapter will mostly in Scott's pov. Hope you guys like it so without further ado...

The Chapter!!!

Scott's pov.

Today was the three year anniversary of when my best friend, my brother, went missing. Stiles had been gone for almost 3 years now. Everyone besides the pack and Stiles' dad had given up hope that he would ever come back home.

In Stiles' honor, we would be having a pack meeting with Noah, and my mom. I already had thought of at least 50 stories that I wanted to tell everyone, I didn't want them to forget him. I had a feeling that one day he would come back, and I had to hold on to that sliver of hope that he would come back.

As I pulled up to the newly rebuilt Hale house, Kira ran out to greet me followed by Liam and Hayden. 

"Scott!" Kira called "You're late!"

"Sorry, sorry, I know you wanted to tell me something today." I laughed as we started walking into the house. I walked in to see Lydia, Malia, Issac, Jackson, Derek, Rayden, Peter, and the rest of the pack. 

"You're late!" they called in unison. I simply laughed and sat on the couch next to Kira who was practically shaking with excitement. ' I wonder what she wants to tell us' I wondered

" Alright everyone quiet!" she shouted " As you all know I'm an only child," we all nodded

" Well that isn't true, I had a twin brother who went missing around 4 years ago, his name was Carson..." Kira waited for our response. Lydia was the first to recover from her shock.

" Kira! Why didn't you tell us sooner!" she exclaimed

" Well-" she started but was cut off her cell phone ringing.

" Uhh, Scott it's your dad, should I answer it?" she asks. I simply nodded, she answered the phone.

" Hello Mr. McCall, how can I help you?" She waited while he answered then blew up

" What!!!! Alright, let me put you on speaker." She clicked the speaker button and said,

" Ok, say that again now"

"Alright guys so I was called in to do a raid on an island that was being controlled by an illegal organization called WICKED and you won't believe what I found," he paused waiting for it to sink in.

 " Kira sent me a picture of her brother Carson, and after we raided the makeshift camp, we realized it was filled with teenagers and a couple adults. After a while they started waking up, they all started panicking searching for some boy named Thomas who was apparently their leader. This is where Kira's brother Carson comes in. The boy named Minho stepped up trying to calm them all down, that's when I realized he looks just like the picture except for buff and muscley. Eventually, after about ten minutes of panic, the Thomas guy stepped up with a girl named Brenda." He said

" Dad I'm not really seeing why this Thomas guy is so special dad," I said

"Well that's the thing, Scott, he's not just the leader, he's... Stiles."

End of Chapter

Hey guys! I have an IMPORTANT announcement. I've decided that I'm going to try and update every Sunday, plus I'm going to put my song of the week at the top every time I update!! Please comment and Vote!!!!

Anyways I'm super excited and hope you guys liked this chapter.

Stay Lit,


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