Sam Golbach - finding him again

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Sam had been your best friend in 3rd grade. Well, actually, he was your best friend from 3rd to 8th grade. The connection ended because you moved away. Your older sister had gotten a scholarship to UCLA, being the supportive parents that they were your full family moved to L.A. to support her. Causing your seperation with Sam.

Leaving Sam broke your heart to its' core. You had no way of contacting each other and your parents said that you'd simply 'get over it'. You did make new friends but you often told stories of your time with Sam.

"So what about your old home do you miss the most? I heard Kansas was pretty boring." A girl you had met, named Devyn, asked. You had met her through a few other friends and were getting to know her more over a Netflix binge night in your apartment.

"Oh jeez. Um, I miss the fresh air and stuff. But I mainly miss the friends I had to leave behind. I only had a few but they were more than enough. 2 girls and a boy" You said describing them like they were your own kids and you were a suburban white mom.

"Oo. Tell me some stories." She begged and you laughed a little. Devyn was fun to hang out with. The Netflix show continued to play throughout your  conversation.

"Okay hm. Well the girls were named Mariah and Katelynn. I only really hung out with them in class and we paired up in some work. The only crazy story I have with them is when we were 7 and a half and we were climbing a tree. We wanted to see what the sun set looked like up there. I fell out of the tree and broke my wrist and these girls didn't think right and they jumped down after me. Mariah sprained her foot and Katelynn was fine. She ran and got our parents who took us both to the hospital and I actually had to get surgery and I still have the scars" You showed the scars on the back of your wrist and she looked at them in interest.

"And the boy?" She asked curiously, sipping the tea like it was a mukbang.

"He was my best friend. For 5 years. We did everything together. We played games, did homework, cheated on tests, created a horrible band, had sleep overs, literally everything. His name was Sam. Well it probably still is, but you know what I mean" she laughed at your joke "the craziest story I have with him is probably the famous story of how we met. It was in 3rd grade that we met. Sam was a geeky kid and I was the kid that always played soccer. So when I was playing soccer against the wall I kicked the ball too hard, it slammed and went flying behind me and smacked Sam hard in the face. My instant reaction was to help him up and make sure he was okay and he was. I went to get the ball and somehow we played together? I think we invented wall ball with a soccer ball" You finished your story and Devyn laughed.

Devyn had been your friend for two years now. She was moving in with her boyfriend in his house where he had some roommates so you were helping her pack.

"So who are his room mates? Have you met them?" You asked curiously as you wrapped her mugs in paper for safe transfer

"Yeah I have. They're all super nice and kinda cute. Corey is the only one for me though. The others are Elton who is 25 or 26 and he's sweet, Colby is like an inner 12 year old child and he's nice, Aaron is sweet too and innocent, then there is a guy named Sam who is friends with Colby since like freshman year. " Devyn explained and you nodded.

"Sounds fun. 1 girl and 5 guys." You smiled a little as you closed the box.

"Yeah. I'm not the only girl though. Elton has a dog." You both burst out laughing. Soon you had packed the whole kitchen and Devyn was done her living room.

"Thanks for the help! Corey is coming by later to put it all in a truck. Once we are all settled in, we will hold a little get together and you can come by. Sound good?" She offered hugging you tight. You hugged her back happily. You were happy for her. You left to your sad lonely apartment again. The same one you had had for 4 years. You had a nice Cauliflower steak for dinner while watching supernatural and then went to bed. Life was boring for you.

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